Publications of H. Laqua

Journal Article (78)

Journal Article
Grulke, O.; Albert, C.; Alcuson Belloso, J. A.; Aleynikov, P.; Aleynikova, K.; Alonso, A.; Anda, G.; Andreeva, T.; Arvanitou, M.; Ascasibar, E. et al.: Overview of the first Wendelstein 7-X long pulse campaign with fully water-cooled plasma facing components. Nuclear Fusion 64, 112002 (2024)
Journal Article
Kovtun, Y. V.; Nagasaki, K.; Kobayashi, S.; Minami, T.; Kado, S.; Ohshima, S.; Nakamura, Y.; Ishizawa, A.; Konoshima, S.; Mizuuchi, T. et al.: Non-resonant microwave discharge strat-up in Heliotron J. Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Techniki = Problems of Atomic Science and Technology (1 (143)), pp. 3 - 8 (2023)
Journal Article
Bucalossi, J.; Achard, J.; Agullo, O.; Alarcon, T.; Allegretti, L.; Ancher, H.; Antar, G.; Antusch, S.; Anzallo, V.; Arnas, C. et al.: Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation. Nuclear Fusion 62, 042007 (2022)
Journal Article
Kovtun, Y. V.; Moiseenko, V. E.; Lozin, A. V.; Pavlichenko, R. O.; Shapoval, A. N.; Grigor'eva, L. I.; Baron, D. I.; Kozulya, M. M.; Maznichenko, S. M.; Korovin, V. B. et al.: ICRF Plasma Production with the W7-X Like Antenna in the Uragan-2M Stellarator. Plasma and Fusion Research 17, 2402034 (2022)
Journal Article
Pedersen, T. S.; Abramovic, I.; Agostinetti, P.; Agredano Torres, M.; Äkäslompolo, S.; Alcuson Belloso, J.; Aleynikov, P.; Aleynikova, K.; Alhashimi, M.; Ali, A. et al.: Experimental confirmation of efficient island divertor operation and successful neoclassical transport optimization in Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 62, 042022 (2022)
Journal Article
Puig Sitjes, A.; Jakubowski, M.; Naujoks, D.; Gao, Y.; Drewelow, P.; Niemann, H.; Fellinger, J.; Moncada, V.; Pisano, F.; Belafdil, C. et al.: Real-Time Detection of Overloads on the Plasma-Facing Components of Wendelstein 7-X. Applied Sciences 11 (24), 11969 (2021)
Journal Article
Grahl, M.; Spring, A.; Andreeva, T.; Bluhm, T.; Bozhenkov, S.; Dumke, S.; Geiger, J.; Grulke, O.; Grün, M.; Holtz, A. et al.: W7-X logbook REST API for processing experimental metadata and data enrichment at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. Fusion Engineering and Design 160, 111819 (2020)
Journal Article
Spring, A.; Grahl, M.; Lewerentz, M.; Klug, C.; Dumke, S.; Bluhm, T.; Laqua, H.; Grün, M.; Holtz, A.; Riemann, H. et al.: Metadata Framework for Assisting Experimental Planning and Evaluation at Wendelstein 7-X. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 48 (6), pp. 1409 - 1414 (2020)
Journal Article
Wauters, T.; Borodin, D.; Brakel, R.; Brezinsek, S.; Brunner, K. J.; Buermans, J.; Coda, S.; Dinklage, A.; Douai, D.; Ford, O. et al.: Wall conditioning in fusion devices with superconducting coils. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 62, 034002 (2020)
Journal Article
Winter, A.; Bluhm, T.; Bosch, H.-S.; Brandt, K.; Dumke, S.; Grahl, M.; Grün, M.; Holtz, A.; Laqua, H.; Lewerentz, M. et al.: Preparation of W7-X CoDaC for OP2. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 48 (6), pp. 1779 - 1782 (2020)
Journal Article
Grahl, M.; Spring, A.; Bluhm, T.; Bosch, H.-S.; Brakel, R.; Dumke, S.; Eeten, P. v.; Grün, M.; Hirsch, M.; Holtz, A. et al.: The new W7-X logbook – A software for effective experiment documentation and collaborative research at Wendelstein 7-X. Fusion Engineering and Design 146, Pt. A, pp. 1254 - 1257 (2019)
Journal Article
Klinger, T.; Andreeva, T.; Bozhenkov, S.; Brandt, C.; Burhenn, R.; Buttenschön, B.; Fuchert, G.; Geiger, B.; Grulke, O.; Laqua, H. P. et al.: Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation. Nuclear Fusion 59, 112004 (2019)
Journal Article
Lewerentz, M.; Bluhm, T.; Daher, R.; Dumke, S.; Grahl, M.; Grün, M.; Holtz, A.; Krom, J.; Kühner, G.; Laqua, H. et al.: Implementing DevOps practices at the control and data acquisition system of an experimental fusion device. Fusion Engineering and Design 146, Pt. A, pp. 40 - 45 (2019)
Journal Article
Moiseenko, V. E.; Beletskii, A. A.; Shapoval, A. M.; Wauters, T.; Goriaev, A.; Brunner, K. J.; Buttenschön, B.; Drewelow, P.; Winters, V.; Brakel, R. et al.: A scenario of pulsed ECRH wall conditioning in hydrogen for the Wendelstein 7-X helias. Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Techniki = Problems of Atomic Science and Technology (1 (119)), pp. 37 - 40 (2019)
Journal Article
Schacht, J.; Laqua, H.; Müller, I.; Puttnies, H.; Skodzik, J.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: The Trigger-Time-Event-System for Wendelstein 7-X: Overview and First Operational Experiences. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 66 (6), pp. 969 - 973 (2019)
Journal Article
Bosch, H.-S.; Andreeva, T.; Brakel, R.; Bräuer, T.; Hartmann, D.; Holtz, A.; Klinger, T.; Laqua, H.; Nagel, M.; Naujoks, D. et al.: Engineering Challenges in W7-X: Lessons Learned and Status for the Second Operation Phase. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 46 (5), pp. 1131 - 1140 (2018)
Journal Article
Dumke, S.; Riemann, H.; Bluhm, T.; Daher, R.; Grahl, M.; Grün, M.; Holtz, A.; Krom, J.; Kühner, G.; Laqua, H. et al.: Next generation web based live data monitoring for W7-X. Fusion Engineering and Design 129, pp. 16 - 23 (2018)
Journal Article
Krom, J. G.; Daher, R.; Bluhm, T.; Dumke, S.; Grahl, M.; Grün, M.; Hennig, C.; Holtz, A.; Laqua, H.; Lewerentz, M. et al.: Compression of time-vectors in W7-X archived measurements. Fusion Engineering and Design 129, pp. 326 - 329 (2018)
Journal Article
Schacht, J.; Brakel, R.; Viebke, H.; Pingel, S.; Wölk, A.; Laqua, H.; Schmidt, F.; Müller, I.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: The gas supply and gas inlet control systems of the fusion experiment Wendelstein 7-X. Fusion Engineering and Design 129, pp. 6 - 11 (2018)
Journal Article
Bosch, H.-S.; Brakel, R.; Bräuer, T.; Bykov, V.; Eeten, P. v.; Feist, J. H.; Füllenbach, F.; Gasparotto, M.; Grote, H.; Klinger, T. et al.: Final integration, commissioning and start of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator operation. Nuclear Fusion 57, 116015 (2017)