Publications of L. Giannone
All genres
Journal Article (162)
Journal Article
66, 045017 (2024)
Magnetics only real-time equilibrium reconstruction on ASDEX Upgrade. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 2.
Journal Article
64, 112019 (2024)
Overview of the EUROfusion Tokamak Exploitation programme in support of ITER and DEMO. Nuclear Fusion 3.
Journal Article
64, 056012 (2024)
Overview of advances in ASDEX Upgrade plasma control to support critical physics research for ITER and beyond. Nuclear Fusion 4.
Journal Article
80, pp. 26 - 37 (2024)
Targeting a Versatile Actuator for EU-DEMO: Real Time Monitoring of Pellet Delivery to Facilitate Burn Control. Fusion Science and Technology 5.
Journal Article
64, 026004 (2024)
Poloidal localization of the explosive onset of edge localized modes. Nuclear Fusion 6.
Journal Article
64, 112001 (2024)
Overview of ASDEX upgrade results in view of ITER and DEMO. Nuclear Fusion 7.
Journal Article
65, 054003 (2023)
Experiments and non-linear MHD simulations of hot vertical displacement events in ASDEX-Upgrade. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 8.
Journal Article
63, 126016 (2023)
The mechanism of the global vertical force reduction in disruptions mitigated by massive material injection. Nuclear Fusion 9.
Journal Article
63, 066013 (2023)
Real-time implementation of the high-fidelity NBI code RABBIT into the discharge control system of ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 10.
Journal Article
65, 105006 (2023)
Observation of impurity accumulation and its compatibility with high plasma performance in W7-X. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 11.
Journal Article
62, 042006 (2022)
Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development. Nuclear Fusion 12.
Journal Article
168, 112644 (2021)
Hardware developments and commissioning of the imaging heavy ion beam probe at ASDEX upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 13.
Journal Article
166, 112276 (2021)
Shunt and Rogowski coil measurements on ASDEX Upgrade in support of DEMO detachment control. Fusion Engineering and Design 14.
Journal Article
61, 066021 (2021)
Measurements and modelling of diamagnetic flux in ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 15.
Journal Article
171, 112563 (2021)
Developments on actuator management, plasma state reconstruction, and control on ASDEX Upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 16.
Journal Article
61, 116043 (2021)
Bolometer tomography on Wendelstein 7-X for study of radiation asymmetry. Nuclear Fusion 17.
Journal Article
61, 126002 (2021)
Plasma radiation behavior approaching high-radiation scenarios in W7-X. Nuclear Fusion 18.
Journal Article
161, 112058 (2020)
Shunt analysis in the isolated-target divertor model for plasma detachment measurement in DEMO. Fusion Engineering and Design 19.
Journal Article
76 (8), pp. 879 - 893 (2020)
Estimation and Uncertainties of Profiles and Equilibria for Fusion Modeling Codes. Fusion Science and Technology 20.
Journal Article
158, 111710 (2020)
Insulated fixation system of plasma facing components to the divertor cassette in Eurofusion-DEMO. Fusion Engineering and Design