Publications of A. Banon Navarro

Journal Article (61)

Journal Article
Wilms, F.; Merlo, G.; Sheffield, F.; Görler, T.; Banon Navarro, A.; Jenko, F.: Implementation of magnetic compressional effects at arbitrary wavelength in the global version of GENE. Computer Physics Communications 307, 109410 (2025)
Journal Article
Banon Navarro, A.; Roberg-Clark, G. T.; Plunk, G. G.; Fernando, D.; Di Siena, A.; Wilms, F.; Jenko, F.: Assessing core ion thermal confinement in critical-gradient-optimized stellarators. Physics of Plasmas 31, 062508 (2024)
Journal Article
Di Siena, A.; Bilato, R.; Banon Navarro, A.; Bergmann, M.; Leppin, L.; Görler, T.; Poli, E.; Weiland, M.; Tardini, G.; Jenko, F. et al.: Impact of supra-thermal particles on plasma performance at ASDEX Upgrade with GENE-Tango simulations. Nuclear Fusion 64, 066020 (2024)
Journal Article
Grulke, O.; Albert, C.; Alcuson Belloso, J. A.; Aleynikov, P.; Aleynikova, K.; Alonso, A.; Anda, G.; Andreeva, T.; Arvanitou, M.; Ascasibar, E. et al.: Overview of the first Wendelstein 7-X long pulse campaign with fully water-cooled plasma facing components. Nuclear Fusion 64, 112002 (2024)
Journal Article
Maggi, C. F.; Abate, D.; Abid, N.; Abreu, P.; Adabonyan, O.; Afzal, M.; Ahmad, I.; Akhtar, M.; Albanese, R.; Aleiferis, S. et al.: Overview of T and D–T results in JET with ITER-like wall. Nuclear Fusion 64, 112012 (2024)
Journal Article
Wilms, F.; Banon Navarro, A.; Windisch, T.; Bozhenkov, S.; Warmer, F.; Fuchert, G.; Ford, O.; Zhang, D.; Stange, T.; Jenko, F. et al.: Global gyrokinetic analysis of Wendelstein 7-X discharge: unveiling the importance of trapped-electron-mode and electron-temperature-gradient turbulence. Nuclear Fusion 64, 096040 (2024)
Journal Article
Zocco, A.; Podavini, L.; Wilms, F.; Banon-Navarro, A.; Jenko, F.: Electron-temperature-gradient-driven ion-scale turbulence in high-performance scenarios in Wendelstein 7-X. Physical Review Research 6, 033099 (2024)
Journal Article
Zohm, H.; Alessi, E.; Angioni, C.; Arden, N.; Artigues, V.; Astrain, M.; Asunta, O.; Balden, M.; Bandaru, V.; Banon Navarro, A. et al.: Overview of ASDEX upgrade results in view of ITER and DEMO. Nuclear Fusion 64, 112001 (2024)
Journal Article
Banon Navarro, A.; Di Siena, A.; Velasco, J. L.; Wilms, F.; Merlo, G.; Windisch, T.; LoDestro, L. L.; Parker, J. B.; Jenko, F.: First-principles based plasma profile predictions for optimized stellarators. Nuclear Fusion 63, 054003 (2023)
Journal Article
Bilato, R.; Angioni, C.; Banon Navarro, A.; Bobkov, V.; Bosman, T.; Di Siena, A.; Fable, E.; Fischer, R.; Galdon-Quiroga, J.; Görler, T. et al.: Impact of ICRF fast-ions on core turbulence and MHD activity in ASDEX upgrade. AIP Conference Proceedings 2984 (1), 030010 (2023)
Journal Article
Di Siena, A.; Rodriguez-Fernandez, P.; Howard, N. T.; Banon Navarro, A.; Bilato, R.; Görler, T.; Poli, E.; Merlo, G.; Wright, J.; Greenwald, M. et al.: Predictions of improved confinement in SPARC via energetic particle turbulence stabilization. Nuclear Fusion 63, 036003 (2023)
Journal Article
Gillot, C.; Dif-Pradalier, G.; Sarazin, Y.; Bourdelle, C.; Banon Navarro, A.; Camenen, Y.; Citrin, J.; Di Siena, A.; Garbet, X.; Ghendrih, P. et al.: The problem of capturing marginality in model reductions of turbulence. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 65, 055012 (2023)
Journal Article
Sanchez, E.; Banon Navarro, A.; Wilms, F.; Borchardt, M.; Kleiber, R.; Jenko, F.: Instabilities and turbulence in stellarators from the perspective of global codes. Nuclear Fusion 63, 046013 (2023)
Journal Article
Wilms, F.; Banon Navarro, A.; Jenko, F.: Full-flux-surface effects on electrostatic turbulence in Wendelstein 7-X-like plasmas. Nuclear Fusion 63, 086004 (2023)
Journal Article
Di Siena, A.; Banon Navarro, A.; Luda, T.; Merlo, G.; Bergmann, M.; Leppin, L.; Görler, T.; Parker, J. B.; LoDestro, L.; Dannert, T. et al.: Global gyrokinetic simulations of ASDEX Upgrade up to the transport timescale with GENE–Tango. Nuclear Fusion 62, 106025 (2022)
Journal Article
Di Siena, A.; Bilato, R.; Görler, T.; Poli, E.; Banon Navarro, A.; Jarema, D.; Jenko, F.: Core transport barriers induced by fast ions in global gyrokinetic GENE simulations. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64, 064003 (2022)
Journal Article
Garcia, J.; Casson, F. J.; Banon Navarro, A.; Bonanomi, N.; Citrin, J.; King, D.; Mantica, P.; Mariani, A.; Marin, M.; Mazzi, S. et al.: Modelling and theoretical understanding of the isotope effect from JET experiments in view of reliable predictions for deuterium-tritium plasmas. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64, 054001 (2022)
Journal Article
Gonzalez-Jerez, A.; Xanthopoulos, P.; Garcia-Regana, J. M.; Calvo, I.; Alcuson, J.; Banon Navarro, A.; Barnes, M.; Parra, F. I.; Geiger, J.: Electrostatic gyrokinetic simulations in Wendelstein 7-X geometry: benchmark between the codes stella and GENE. Journal of Plasma Physics 88 (3), 905880310 (2022)
Journal Article
Hansen, S. K.; Porkolab, M.; Bähner, J.-P.; Huang, Z.; Stechow, A. v.; Grulke, O.; Edlund, E. M.; Wilms, F.; Banon Navarro, A.; Jenko, F. et al.: Development of a synthetic phase contrast imaging diagnostic for turbulence studies at Wendelstein 7-X. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64, 095011 (2022)
Journal Article
Pedersen, T. S.; Abramovic, I.; Agostinetti, P.; Agredano Torres, M.; Äkäslompolo, S.; Alcuson Belloso, J.; Aleynikov, P.; Aleynikova, K.; Alhashimi, M.; Ali, A. et al.: Experimental confirmation of efficient island divertor operation and successful neoclassical transport optimization in Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 62, 042022 (2022)