Publications of N. Arden
All genres
Journal Article (11)
Journal Article
64, 112001 (2024)
Overview of ASDEX upgrade results in view of ITER and DEMO. Nuclear Fusion 2.
Journal Article
191, 113561 (2023)
Commissioning and first operational experience with the new thyristor converter Group 7 of ASDEX Upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 3.
Journal Article
62, 042006 (2022)
Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development. Nuclear Fusion 4.
Journal Article
173, 112852 (2021)
Qualification of the TIC conductor for the in-vessel coils in ASDEX Upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 5.
Journal Article
146, Pt. B, pp. 2698 - 2702 (2019)
Extension of the high current power supplies of ASDEX Upgrade – The design of a new thyristor converter. Fusion Engineering and Design 6.
Journal Article
59, 112014 (2019)
Overview of physics studies on ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 7.
Journal Article
124, pp. 40 - 44 (2017)
The DC-link of the inverter system BUSSARD for ASDEX Upgrade invessel saddle coils. Fusion Engineering and Design 8.
Journal Article
123, pp. 289 - 294 (2017)
Extension of heating and pulse power capabilities at ASDEX upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 9.
Journal Article
124, pp. 141 - 146 (2017)
Optimizing BUSSARD: The new 16-phase inverter system of ASDEX upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 10.
Journal Article
98-99, pp. 1144 - 1147 (2015)
Electrical and mechanical adaptation of commercially available power inverter modules for BUSSARD – The power supply of ASDEX Upgrade in vessel saddle coils. Fusion Engineering and Design 11.
Journal Article
96-97, pp. 171 - 176 (2015)
Electrical Design of the BUSSARD Inverter System for ASDEX Upgrade Saddle Coils. Fusion Engineering and Design Conference Paper (4)
Conference Paper
Supervision of the pulsed power supply of a fusion experiment. In: Engineering Impact Award 2018. NIWeek "Future Faster", Austin, TX, May 20, 2018 - May 23, 2018. National Instruments (NI), München (2018)
Conference Paper
BUSSARD – The High Current High Bandwidth Multiple-Phases Inverter of ASDEX Upgrade. In: 2017 1st IEEE International Conference on Environement and Electrical Engineering and 2017 17th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe). 17th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) and 1st IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power System Europe 2017 (I&CPS), Milan, June 06, 2017 - June 09, 2017. (2017)
Conference Paper
Herausforderungen für die Energieversorgung von Fusions-Experimenten und langfristige Perspektiven. In: Proceedings of the 10th Transformer-Life-Management Conference, pp. 15 - 21. 10th Transformer-Life-Management Conference (TLM 2016), Königswinter, September 26, 2016 - September 27, 2016. (2016)
Conference Paper
Power Inverter Design for Magnetic Perturbation Coils in Nuclear Fusion Experiments. In: 2013 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), 11 pp.. 15th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'13), Lille, September 02, 2013 - September 06, 2013. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2013)
Talk (5)
Überwachung, Datenerfassung und Visualisierung der Energieversorgung des Fusionsexperiments. 22. Technologie- und Anwenderkongress „Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis" (VIP 2017), Fürstenfeldbruck (2017)
BUSSARD – The High Current High Bandwidth Multiple-Phases Inverter of ASDEX Upgrade. 17th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) and 1st IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power System Europe 2017 (I&CPS), Milan (submitted)
Herausforderungen für die Energieversorgung von Fusions-Experimenten und langfristige Perspektiven. 10th Transformer-Life-Management Conference (TLM 2016), Königswinter (2016)
Electrical Design of the Inverter System BUSSARD for ASDEX Upgrade Saddle Coils. 28th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2014), San Sebastian (submitted)
Power Inverter Design for Magnetic Perturbation Coils in Nuclear Fusion Experiments. 15th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'13), Lille (2013)