Publications of C. Fuchs

Conference Paper (152)

Conference Paper
Mertens, V.; Buechl, K.; Junker, W.; Mast, F.; Schlittenhelm, M.; Bessenrodt-Weberpals, M.; Field, A.; Fuchs, C.; Gehre, O.; Gruber, O. et al.; Herrmann, A.; Haas, G.; Kallenbach, A.; Kastelewicz, H.; Kaufmann, M.; Köppendörfer, W.; Laux, M.; Lieder, G.; Neuhauser, J.; Ryter, F.; Salzmann, H.; Sandmann, W.; Steuer, K.-H.; Staebler, A.; Zohm, H.; ASDEX-Upgrade Team: Experimental Investigation and Interpretation of Marfes and Density Limit in ASDEX Upgrade. In: 20th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, pp. 267 - 270 (Eds. Cabral, J. A. C.; Manso, M. E.; Serra, F. M.). 20th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Lisbon (PT), July 26, 1993 - July 30, 1993. European Physical Society, Geneva (1993)
Conference Paper
Noterdaeme, J.-M.; Hoffmann, C.; Brambilla, M.; Buechl, K.; Eberhagen, A.; Fuchs, C.; Gehre, O.; Gernhardt, J.; Gruber, O.; Kallenbach, A. et al.; Köppendörfer, W.; Poschenrieder, W.; Salmon, N.; Schneider, W.; Wesner, F.; ICRH-Team; ASDEX-Upgrade-Team: Combination of Fundamental and Second Harmonic Minority Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating on ASDEX Upgrade. In: 20th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, pp. 945 - 948 (Eds. Cabral, J. A. C.; Manso, M. E.; Serra, F. M.). 20th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Lisbon (PT), July 26, 1993 - July 30, 1993. European Physical Society, Geneva (1993)
Conference Paper
Ryter, F.; Gruber, O.; Buechl, K.; Field, A.; Fuchs, C.; Gehre, O.; Herrmann, A.; Kaufmann, M.; Koeppendoerfer, W.; Mast, F. et al.; Murmann, H.; Noterdaeme, J.-M.; Pereverzev, G. V.; Zohm, H.; ASDEX-Upgrade-Team; ICRH-Team: Ohmic H-Mode and H-Mode Power Threshold in ASDEX Upgrade. In: 20th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, pp. 23 - 26 (Eds. Cabral, J. A. C.; Manso, M. E.; Serra, F. M.). 20th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Lisbon (PT), July 26, 1993 - July 30, 1993. European Physical Society, Geneva (1993)
Conference Paper
Zohm, H.; Büchl, K.; Field, A.; Fuchs, C.; Gehre, O.; Herrmann, A.; Kaufmann, M.; Lieder, G.; Ryter, F.; Schittenheim, M. et al.; ASDEX UpgradeTeam; ICRH Group: Characterization of ELMS on ASDEX-Upgrade. In: 20th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, pp. 19 - 22 (Eds. Cabral, J. A. C.; Manso, M. E.; Serra, F. M.). 20th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Lisbon (PT), July 26, 1993 - July 30, 1993. European Physical Society, Geneva (1993)
Conference Paper
Kallenbach, A.; Fuchs, C.; Fussmann, G.; Jenichen, F.; Mast, K. F.; Mayer, H. M.; Schumacher, U.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Particle Influx and Impurity Behaviour in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak. In: Contributed Papers: Joint Conference of the 9th Kiev International Conference on Plasma Theory and the 9th International Conference on Waves and Instabilities in Plasmas combined with the 19th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, pp. 835 - 838 (Eds. Freysinger, W.; Lackner, K.; Schrittwieser, R.). Joint Conference of the 9th Kiev International Conference on Plasma Theory and the 9th International Conference on Waves and Instabilities in Plasmas combined with the 19th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Innsbruck (AT), June 29, 1992 - July 03, 1992. European Physical Society, Geneva (1992)

Talk (72)

Astrain Etxezarreta, M.; Zahn, F.; Sieglin, B.; Eixenberger, H.; Kannerloher, L.; Gehring, M.; Spacek, M.; Gonzalez, J. C.; Schlüter, A.; Fuchs, C. et al.; Raupp, G.: Next-generation diagnostics for ASDEX Upgrade. 12th MicroTCA Workshop for Industry and Research, Hamburg (submitted)
Astrain, M.; Michelini, M.; Sieglin, B.; Fuchs, C.; Raupp, G.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Current developments on ASDEX Upgrade data acquisition systems. 13th Technical Meeting on Plasma Control Systems, Data Management and Remote Experiments in Fusion Research, Virtual (submitted)
Fuchs, J. C.; Buhler, A.; Merkel, R.; Michelini, M.; Sieglin, B.; Zehetbauer, T.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Lessons learned for remote operation on ASDEX Upgrade during the Covid-19 pandemic. 13th Technical Meeting on Plasma Control Systems, Data Management and Remote Experiments in Fusion Research, Virtual (submitted)
Papp, G.; Pautasso, G.; Decker, J.; Sheikh, U.; Ficker, O.; Bernert, M.; Blanchard, P.; Bock, A.; Bolzonella, T.; Calacci, L. et al.; Carnevale, D.; Cavedon, M.; Cerovsky, J.; Choi, D.; Coda, S.; David, P.; Dibon, M.; Dunne, M.; Duval, B.; Dux, R.; Embreus, O.; Erdos, B.; Farnik, M.; Faitsch, M.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, C.; Gobbin, M.; Galperti, C.; Giannone, L.; Gude, A.; Heinrich, P.; Hesslow, L.; Hoppe, M.; Iliasova, M.; Insulander Björk, K.; Janky, F.; Khilkevitch, E.; Kosina , L.; Kudlacek, O.; Labit, B.; Lier, A.; Linder, O.; Lunt, T.; Macusova, E.; Maraschek, M.; Marrelli, L.; Marmillod, P.; McCarthy, P.J.; Mlyar, J.; Mlynek, A.; Molin, A. d.; Nocente, M.; Panontin, E.; Plank, U.; Pokol, G.I.; Plyusnin, V.V.; Rigamonti, D.; Sauter, O.; Sieglin, B.; Shevelev, A.; Suttrop, W.; Tardini, G.; Tardocchi, M.; Testa, D.; Teschke, M.; Treutterer, W.; Unnerfelt, L.; Valisa, M.; Vallhagen, O.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; TCV Team; EUROfusion MST1 Team: MST1 runaway experiments: what we have learned, where to go next? 8th Runaway Electron Modelling (REM) Meeting, Gothenburg (submitted)
Papp, G.; Pautasso, G.; Decker, J.; Hesslow, L.; Hoppe, M.; Bernert, M.; Blanchard, P.; Bock, A.; Bolzonella, T.; Calacci, L. et al.; Carnevale, D.; Cavedon, M.; Cerovsky, J.; Choi, D.; Coda, S.; David, P.; Dibon, M.; Dunne, M.; Duval, B.; Dux, R.; Embreus, O.; Erdös, B.; Farnik, M.; Faitsch, M.; Ficker, O.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, C.; Gobbin, M.; Galperti, C.; Giannone, L.; Gude, A.; Iliasova, M.; Insulander Björk, K.; Janky, F.; Khilkevitch, E.; Kudlacek, O.; Labit, B.; Lier, A.; Linder, O.; Lunt, T.; Macusova, E.; Maraschek, M.; Marrelli, L.; Marmillod, P.; McCarthy, P.J.; Mlyar, J.; Mlynek, A.; Molin, A. d.; Nocente, M.; Panontin, E.; Plank, U.; Pokol, G. I.; Plyusnin, V. V.; Rigamonti, D.; Sauter, O.; Sieglin, B.; Sheikh, U.; Shevelev, A.; Suttrop, W.; Tardini, G.; Tardocchi, M.; Testa, D.; Teschke, M.; Treutterer, W.; Unnerfelt, L.; Valisa, M.; Vallhagen, O.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; TCV Team; EUROfusion MST1 Team: The effect of high-Z material injection on runaway electron dynamics. 7th Annual Theory and Simulation of Disruptions Workshop, Princeton, NJ (2019)
Papp, G.; Pautasso, G.; Decker, J.; Carnevale, D.; Coda, S.; Duval, B.; Dux, R.; Embreus, O.; Erdos, B.; Ficker, O. et al.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, C.; Gobbin, M.; Hesslow, L.; Hoppe, M.; Lier, A.; McCarthy, P. J.; Mlynar, J.; Mlynek, A.; Pokol, G. I.; Sheikh, U.; Wilkie, G. J.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; TCV Team; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Parameter dependences of runaway electron dynamics on ASDEX Upgrade and TCV. 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Portland, OR (submitted)
Papp, G.; Pautasso, G.; Decker, J.; Carnevale, D.; Mlynar, J.; Blanchard, P.; Choi, D.; Coda, S.; Duval, B.; Dux, R. et al.; Embreus, O.; Erdos, B.; Esposito, B.; Ficker, O.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, C.; Galperti, C.; Giannone, L.; Gobbin, M.; Gospodarczyk, M.; Gude, A.; Gruber, M.; Herrmann, A.; Hesslow, L.; Hoppe, M.; Janky, F.; Kocsis, G.; Labit, B.; Lackner, K.; Lier, A.; Lunt, T.; Macusova, E.; Maraschek, M.; Marelli, L.; Marmillod, P.; McCarthy, P. J.; Mlynek, A.; Nocente, M.; Nardon, E.; Piovesan, P.; Plyusnin, V. V.; Pokol, G. I.; Poloskei, P. Z.; Potzel, S.; Reux, C.; Sauter, O.; Sieglin, B.; Sheikh, U.; Shevelev, A.; Sommariva, C.; Suttrop, W.; Szepesi, T.; Tardini, G.; Tardocchi, M.; Teschke, M.; Testa, D.; Treutterer, W.; Valisa, M.; Wilkie, G.; Wiringer, B.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; TCV Team; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Runaway electron dynamics following massive gas injection on the European medium sized tokamaks. 15th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems, Princeton, NJ (submitted)
Reich, M.; Rapson, C.; Behler, K.; Fuchs, C.; Galperti, C.; Giannone, L.; Kong, M.; Maraschek, M.; Poli, E.; Sauter, O. et al.; Stober, J.; Treutterer, W.; Zohm, H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Real-time control of MHD instabilities using ECCD. 27th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE 2017), Shanghai (submitted)
Papp, G.; Pautasso, G.; Decker, J.; Gobbin, M.; McCarthy, P. J.; Blanchard, P.; Carnevale, D.; Choi, D.; Coda, S.; Duval, B. et al.; Dux, R.; Erdös, B.; Esposito, B.; Ficker, O.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, C.; Galperti, C.; Giannone, L.; Gude, A.; Labit, B.; Lackner, K.; Lunt, T.; Marelli, L.; Martin, P.; Mlynek, A.; Maraschek, M.; Marmillod, P.; Nocente, M.; Peysson, Y.; Piovesan, P.; Plyusnin, V. V.; Pokol, G. I.; Poloskei, P. Z.; Potzel, S.; Reux, C.; Saint-Laurent, F.; Sauter, O.; Sieglin, B.; Sheikh, U.; Sommariva, C.; Suttrop, W.; Tardini, G.; Testa, D.; Treutterer, W.; Valisa, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; TCV Team; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Runaway electron generation and mitigation on the European medium sized tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV. Theory and Simulation of Disruptions Workshop (TSDW 2016), Princeton, NJ (submitted)
Papp, G.; Pautasso, G.; Decker, J.; Gobbin, M.; McCarthy, P. J.; Choi, D.; Coda, S.; Duval, B.; Dux, R.; Erdos, B. et al.; Ficker, O.; Fuchs, C.; Giannone, L.; Gude, A.; Lackner, K.; Marelli, L.; Mlynek, A.; Maraschek, M.; Nocente, M.; Piovesan, P.; Plyusnin, V. V.; Gergo, I. P.; Poloskei, P. Z.; Potzel, S.; Reux, C.; Sieglin, B.; Sommariva, C.; Suttrop, W.; Tardini, G.; Treutterer, W.; Valisa, M.: Runaway Electron Generation and Mitigation on the European Medium Sized Tokamaks ASDEX Upgrade and TCV. 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2016), Kyoto (submitted)
Pautasso, G.; Bernert, M.; Dibon, M.; Duval, B.; Dux, R.; Fable, E.; Fuchs, C.; Conway, G. D.; Giannone, L.; Gude, A. et al.; Herrmann, A.; Hölzl, M.; McCarthy, P. J.; Mlynek, A.; Maraschek, M.; Nardon, E.; Papp, G.; Potzel, S.; Rapson, C.; Sieglin, B.; Suttrop, W.; Treutterer, W.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Disruption mitigation studies at ASDEX Upgrade in support of ITER. Theory and Simulation of Disruptions Workshop (TSDW 2016), Princeton, NJ (2016)
Pautasso, G.; Bernert, M.; Duval, B.; Dux, R.; Fable, E.; Fuchs, C.; Giannone, L.; Gude, A.; Hölzl, M.; McCarthy, P. J. et al.; Mlynek, A.; Maraschek, M.; Nardon, E.; Papp, G.; Potzel, S.; Rapson, C.; Sieglin, B.; Suttrop, W.; Treutterer, W.; Dibon, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Disruption mitigation studies at ASDEX Upgrade in support of ITER. 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven (submitted)
Ryter, F.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, C. J.; Happel, T.; Kurzan, B.; McCarthy, P.; McDermott, R. M.; Suttrop, W.; Viezzer, E.; Willensdorfer, M. et al.; Wolfrum, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: I-mode results at ASDEX Upgrade: L-I transition and confinement. 16th ITPA Transport and Confinement Topical Group Meeting (ITPA T&C Meeting), Ahmedabad (2016)
Fischer, R.; Bock, A.; Denk, S.; Dunne, M.; Fuchs, J. C.; Giannone, L.; Kurzan, B.; Lackner, K.; McCarthy, P. J.; Mlynek, A. et al.; Preuss, R.; Rampp, M.; Stroth, U.; Weiland, M.; Willensdorfer, M.; Wolfrum, E.; Zehrfeld, H.-P.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Recent developments of Integrated Data Analysis at ASDEX Upgrade: Kinetic profiles, current diffusion and equilibrium. 1st IAEA Technical Meeting on Fusion Data Processing, Validation and Analysis, Nice (2015)
Müller, H. W.; Carralero, D.; Conway, G.; Faitsch, M.; Fuchs, J. C.; Kirk, A.; Lunt, T.; Sieglin, B.; Simon, P.; Suttrop, W. A. et al.; Wolfrum, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Influence of (R)MPs on edge transport. 597th Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar "Stochasticity in Fusion Plasmas", Bad Honnef (submitted)
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