Publications of T. Dannert
All genres
Journal Article (25)
Journal Article
30, 102302 (2023)
On the effect of negative triangularity on ion temperature gradient turbulence in tokamaks. Physics of Plasmas 2.
Journal Article
62, 106025 (2022)
Global gyrokinetic simulations of ASDEX Upgrade up to the transport timescale with GENE–Tango. Nuclear Fusion 3.
Journal Article
87 (6), 905870604 (2021)
Global electromagnetic turbulence simulations of W7-X-like plasmas with GENE-3D. Journal of Plasma Physics 4.
Journal Article
53, 073003 (10pp) (2013)
Global and local gyrokinetic simulations of high-performance discharges in view of ITER. Nuclear Fusion 5.
Journal Article
18, 056103 (8pp) (2011)
Flux- and gradient-driven global gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak turbulence. Physics of Plasmas 6.
Journal Article
230 (18), pp. 7053 - 7071 (2011)
The global version of the gyrokinetic turbulence code GENE. Journal of Computational Physics 7.
Journal Article
107, 239502 (1pp) (2011)
Reply to the Comment on "Electrostatic and magnetic transport of energetic ions in turbulent plasmas" by W. Zhang, Z. Lin, and L. Chen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 239501 (2011). Physical Review Letters 8.
Journal Article
260, 012011 (8pp) (2010)
Nonlocal effects in gyrokinetic turbulence simulations using GENE. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 9.
Journal Article
17, 112321 (10pp) (2010)
Nonlinear quasisteady state benchmark of global gyrokinetic codes. Physics of Plasmas 10.
Journal Article
181 (8), pp. 1428 - 1437 (2010)
On the role of numerical dissipation in gyrokinetic Vlasov simulations of plasma microturbulence. Computer Physics Communications 11.
Journal Article
52, 124038 (18pp) (2010)
Gyrokinetic simulations of turbulent transport: size scaling and chaotic behaviour (invited paper). Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 12.
Journal Article
16, 112301 (8pp) (2009)
Anomalous transport of energetic particles in ITER relevant scenarios. Physics of Plasmas 13.
Journal Article
102, 075004 (4pp) (2009)
Electrostatic and magnetic transport of energetic ions in turbulent plasmas. Physical Review Letters 14.
Journal Article
16, 032308 (9pp) (2009)
Clarifications to the limitations of the s-α equilibrium model for gyrokinetic computations of turbulence. Physics of Plasmas 15.
Journal Article
15 (6), 062508 (16pp) (2008)
Turbulent transport of beam ions. Physics of Plasmas 16.
Journal Article
50 (12), 124015 (12pp) (2008)
The European turbulence code benchmarking effort: turbulence driven by thermal gradients in magnetically confined plasmas. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 17.
Journal Article
14, 055905 (2007)
Particle and impurity transport in the Axial Symmetric Divertor Experiment Upgrade and the Joint European Torus, experimental observations and theoretical understanding. Physics of Plasmas 18.
Journal Article
47, pp. 817 - 824 (2007)
Gyrokinetic simulations of ETG and ITG turbulence. Nuclear Fusion 19.
Journal Article
13, 122306 (2006)
Characterizing electron temperature gradient turbulence via numerical simulation. Physics of Plasmas 20.
Journal Article
12, 112310 (2005)
Collisionality dependence of density peaking in quasi-linear gyrokinetic calculations. Physics of Plasmas