Publications of W. Jacobus
All genres
Conference Paper (3)
Conference Paper
1, pp. 161 - 172. 14th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1986), Avignon, September 08, 1986 - September 12, 1986. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1986)
Technical Features and Progress of ASDEX Upgrade. In: Fusion Technology 1986, Vol. 2.
Conference Paper
The Design and Installation of the Garching Tokamak Facility Pulsator_1. In: Fusion Technology, pp. 213 - 220. Fusion Technology, Grenoble (FR), October 24, 1972 - October 27, 1972. (1972)
Conference Paper
The Design and Installation of the Garching Tokamak Facility Pulsator I. In: Fusion Technology 1972, pp. 213 - 220. 7th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1972), Grenoble, October 24, 1972 - October 27, 1972. (1972)