Publications of A. Mutzke
All genres
Journal Article (62)
Journal Article
5 (3), 75 (2024)
SpuBase: Solar Wind Ion Sputter Database for Modeling Purposes. The Planetary Science Journal 2.
Journal Article
963 (1), L32 (2024)
Backscattering of Ions Impacting Ganymede's Surface as a Source for Energetic Neutral Atoms. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 3.
Journal Article
37, 101507 (2023)
Sputtering yield reduction for nano-columnar W surfaces under D ion irradiation. Nuclear Materials and Energy 4.
Journal Article
35, 101435 (2023)
Absence of synergistic effects in quasi-simultaneous sputtering of tungsten by Ar and D ions. Nuclear Materials and Energy 5.
Journal Article
7, 065406 (2023)
Sputter yield reduction and fluence stability of numerically optimized nanocolumnar tungsten surfaces. Physical Review Materials 6.
Journal Article
32, 055013 (2023)
Pulse length dependence of a reactive high power impulse magnetron (HiPIMS) discharge. Plasma Sources Science and Technology 7.
Journal Article
4 (5), 86 (2023)
New Compound and Hybrid Binding Energy Sputter Model for Modeling Purposes in Agreement with Experimental Data. The Planetary Science Journal 8.
Journal Article
128 (9), e2023JE007911 (2023)
Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Emission Characteristics at the Moon and Mercury From 3D Regolith Simulations of Solar Wind Reflection. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 9.
Journal Article
544, 165123 (2023)
On the missing single collision peak in low energy heavy ion scattering. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 10.
Journal Article
3 (12), 271 (2022)
Sputtering Behavior of Rough, Polycrystalline Mercury Analogs. The Planetary Science Journal 11.
Journal Article
6, 075402 (2022)
Comparative study regarding the sputtering yield of nanocolumnar tungsten surfaces under Ar+ irradiation. Physical Review Materials 12.
Journal Article
49 (21), e2022GL101232 (2022)
Deducing Lunar Regolith Porosity From Energetic Neutral Atom Emission. Geophysical Research Letters 13.
Journal Article
522, pp. 47 - 53 (2022)
Graphical user interface for SDTrimSP to simulate sputtering, ion implantation and the dynamic effects of ion irradiation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 14.
Journal Article
177 (9-10), pp. 1019 - 1032 (2022)
Simulation of the evolution of rough surfaces by sputtering using the binary collision approximation. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 15.
Journal Article
570, 151204 (2021)
Sputter yields of rough surfaces: Importance of the mean surface inclination angle from nano- to microscopic rough regimes. Applied Surface Science 16.
Journal Article
555, 153135 (2021)
Influence of surface roughness on the sputter yield of Mo under keV D ion irradiation. Journal of Nuclear Materials 17.
Journal Article
23, 100749 (2020)
Impact of surface enrichment and morphology on sputtering of EUROFER by deuterium. Nuclear Materials and Energy 18.
Journal Article
480, pp. 10 - 15 (2020)
Solar wind Helium ion interaction with Mg and Fe rich pyroxene as Mercury surface analogue. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 19.
Journal Article
891 (1), 100 (2020)
Dynamic Potential Sputtering of Lunar Analog Material by Solar Wind Ions. The Astrophysical Journal 20.
Journal Article
125 (12), e2020JE006583 (2020)
Experimental Insights Into Space Weathering of Phobos: Laboratory Investigation of Sputtering by Atomic and Molecular Planetary Ions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets