Publications of I. Stepanov
All genres
Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
37, 101514 (2023)
Performance of tungsten plasma facing components in the stellarator experiment W7-X: Recent results from the first OP2 campaign. Nuclear Materials and Energy 2.
Journal Article
1689, 030004 (2015)
Progress in controlling ICRF-edge interactions in ASDEX upgrade. AIP Conference Proceedings 3.
Journal Article
1580, pp. 271 - 274 (2014)
Influence of gas injection location and magnetic perturbations on ICRF antenna performance in ASDEX Upgrade. AIP Conference Proceedings 4.
Journal Article
1580, pp. 378 - 381 (2014)
Upgrading the ICRF data aquisition system at ASDEX Upgrade. AIP Conference Proceedings 5.
Journal Article
1580, pp. 275 - 278 (2014)
Improved measurements of ICRF antenna input impedance at ASDEX Upgrade during ICRF coupling studies. AIP Conference Proceedings 6.
Journal Article
88 (6-8), pp. 990 - 993 (2013)
Improved measurements of ICRF antenna coupling on ASDEX Upgrade and comparison with the ICRF coupling code TOPICA. Fusion Engineering and Design 7.
Journal Article
52, 042002 (6pp) (2012)
Improvement of ICRF antenna loading by local gas injection on ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion Talk (5)
Performance of tungsten plasma facing components in the stellarator experiment W7-X: recent results from the first OP2 campaign. 19th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-19), Bonn (submitted)
Stellarator Fast Ion Physics in Wendelstein 7-X. 23rd International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop (ISHW 2022), Warsaw (submitted)
Maximization of ICRF Power by SOL Density Tailoring with Local Gas Injection. 12th ITPA Integrated Operation Scenarios Topical Group Meeting (ITPA-IOS-TG), Cambridge, MA (submitted)
Measuring Impedance and Power in ICRF Antenna Feeding Lines with Voltage and Current Probes. Joint Meeting of the 19th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas and the US Japan RF Physics Workshop, Newport, RI (2011)
Analysis of ICRH antenna loading data in TEXTOR obtained during gas injection experiments. Joint Meeting of the 19th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas and the US Japan RF Physics Workshop, Newport, RI (2011)
Poster (5)
Influence of gas injection location and magnetic perturbations on ICRF antenna performance in ASDEX Upgrade. 20th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Sorrento (2013)
Upgrading the ICRF data aquisition system at ASDEX Upgrade. 20th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Sorrento (2013)
Improved measurements of ICRF antenna input impedance at ASDEX Upgrade during ICRF coupling studies. 20th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Sorrento (2013)
Improved measurements of ICRF antenna coupling on ASDEX Upgrade and comparison with the ICRF coupling code TOPICA. 27th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2012), Liège (2012)
The power losses in the ICRF system at ASDEX Upgrade. Joint Meeting of the 19th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas and the US Japan RF Physics Workshop, Newport, RI (2011)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies (ICRF) Power Coupling and Plasma Density Profile. Dissertation, getr. Pag. pp., Ghent University, Ghent (2015)