Publications of K. Wittenbecher
All genres
Conference Paper (6)
Conference Paper
1, pp. 593 - 596 (Eds. Herschbach, K.; Maurer, W.; Vetter, J. E.). 18th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1994), Karlsruhe (DE), August 22, 1994 - August 26, 1994. Noth-Holland, Amsterdam (1995)
Performance of the First ASDEX-Upgrade Neutral Beam Injector. In: Fusion Technology 1994: Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Vol. 2.
Conference Paper
Commissioning and Fisrt Operation of the Neutral Beam Heating in ASDEX Upgrade Neutral Beam System. In: 15th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, pp. 451 - 454. 15th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, Hyannis, January 01, 1993. (1994)
Conference Paper
Gasparotto, M.; Knoepfl, H.). 17th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1992), Rome (IT), September 14, 1992 - September 18, 1992. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1993)
Control and Data Acquisition of the Neutral Beam Injection for ASDEX-Upgrade. In: Fusion Technology 1992: Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Fusion Technology, pp. 1106 - 1110 (Eds. Ferro, C.; 4.
Conference Paper
1, pp. 620 - 624 (Eds. Van Ingen, A. M.; Nijsen-Vis, A.). 15th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1988), Utrecht, September 19, 1988 - September 23, 1988. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1989)
Design of the neutral beam injection system for ASDEX-Upgrade. In: Fusion Technology 1988, Vol. 5.
Conference Paper
1, pp. 625 - 630 (Eds. Van Ingen, A. M.; Nijsen-Vis, A.). 15th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1988), Utrecht, September 19, 1988 - September 23, 1988. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1989)
Initial operation and performance of the ASDEX long-pulse injection system. In: Fusion Technology 1988, Vol. 6.
Conference Paper
Vol. 1, pp. 625 - 630 (1989)
Initial Operation and Performance of the ASDEX Long-Pulse Injection System. 15.Symposium on Fusion Technology, Amsterdam Utrecht (NL). Fusion Technology 1988 Report (1)
Application for EURATOM Priority Support of Additional Heating for ASDEX Upgrade, Phase I und Phase II. Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching (DE) (1985), 141 pp.