Publications of W. Jacob

Journal Article (185)

Journal Article
Jacob, W.; Bertel, E.; Dose, V.: Potassium-induced Empty Electronic States on Ag(110). Physical Review. B 35, pp. 5910 - 5912 (1987)
Journal Article
Jacob, W.; Bertel, E.; Dose, V.: The Schottky Contact in a Xe/Metal Interface Probed by Inverse Photoemission. Europhysics Letters 4, 11, pp. 1303 - 1308 (1987)
Journal Article
Jacob, W.; Dose, V.; Goldmann, A.: Atomic Adsorption of Oxygen on Cu(111) and Cu(110). Applied Physics. A 41, pp. 145 - 150 (1986)
Journal Article
Jacob, W.; Dose, V.; Kolac, U.; Fauster, T.; Goldmann, A.: Bulk, Surface and Thermal Effects in Inverse Photoemission Spectra from Cu(100), Cu(110) and Cu(111). Zeitschrift fuer Physik. B 63, p. 459 (1986)
Journal Article
Wandelt, K.; Jacob, W.; Memmel, N.; Dose, V.: Inverse Photoemission of Adsorbed Xenon Multilayers on Ru(001). Physical Review Letters 57, p. 1643 (1986)

Book Chapter (6)

Book Chapter
Jacob, W.; Roth, J.: Chemical Sputtering. In: Sputtering by Particle Bombardment: Experiments and Computer Calculations from Threshold to MeV Energies, pp. 329 - 400 (Eds. Behrisch, R.; Eckstein, W.). Springer Verlag, Berlin (2007)
Book Chapter
Jacob, W.: Kohlenstoff und die Plasma-Wand-Wechselwirkung. In: Jahrbuch 2006, Tätigkeitsbericht 2006 der Institute / Plasmaphysik (Ed. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.) (2006)
Book Chapter
Jacob, W.; Hopf, C.; Meier, M.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.: Interaction of Low-Energy Ions and Hydrocarbon Radicals with Carbon Surfaces. In: Nuclear Fusion Research: Understanding Plasma-Surface Interactions, pp. 249 - 285 (Eds. Clark, R. E. H.; Reiter, D. H.). Springer, Berlin (2005)
Book Chapter
Jacob, W.; Hopf, C.; von Keudell, A.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.: Surface Loss Probabilities of Hydrocarbon Radicals on Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon Film Surfaces: Consequences for the Formation of Re-Deposited Layers in Fusion Experiments. In: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Hydrogen Recycling at Plasma Facing Materials", St. Petersburg 1999, pp. 331 - 337 (Ed. Wu, C.H.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2000)
Book Chapter
Fischer, R.; Jacob, W.; Linden, W. v. d.; Dose, V.: Bayesian reconstruction of electron energy distributions from emission line intensities. In: Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods. Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop, pp. 99 - 106 (Eds. Linden, W. v. d.; Dose, V.; Fischer, R.). Kluwer, Dordrecht (1999)
Book Chapter
Koch, A.; Clausing, R.E.; Engelhard, M.; Horton, L.L.; Jacob, W.; Angus, J.C.; Moeller, W.; Koidl, P.; Wilhelm, R.: In Situ Plasma and Surface Diagnostics of C:H Deposition from ECR Plasmas. In: Diamond and Diamond-Like Films and Coatings, Vol. 266, pp. 281 - 288. Plenum Press (1991)

Conference Paper (17)

Conference Paper
Gao, L.; Jacob, W.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.; Manhard, A.: Deuterium implantation into tungsten nitride: Negligible diffusion at 300 K. 16th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-16), Beijing, October 20, 2013 - October 26, 2013. Journal of Nuclear Materials 451 (1-3), pp. 352 - 355 (2014)
Conference Paper
Le Guern, F.; Ciattaglia, S.; Counsell, G.; Walsh, M.; Gauthier, E.; Eixenberger, H.; Jacob, W.; Rohde, V.; Sugiyama, K.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Status of R&D on In-vessel Dust & Tritium Management in ITER. In: Proceedings of the 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, ITR/P5-26. 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2012, San Diego, CA, October 08, 2012 - October 13, 2012. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2013)
Conference Paper
Dobes, K.; Hinterhofer, M.; Tichmann, K.; Golczewski, A.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.; Jacob, W.; Aumayr, F.: The evolution of a hydrogen-depleted surface layer on a-C:H during bombardment with N2+ ions. In: 37th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Contributed Papers, P2.125 (Ed. McKenna, C.). 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, June 12, 2010 - June 25, 2010. European Physical Society, Geneva (2010)
Conference Paper
Tsitrone, E.; Brosset, C.; Pegourie, B.; Gauthier, E.; Bouvet, J.; Bucalossi, J.; Carpentier, S.; Corre, Y.; Delchambre, E.; Desgranges, L. et al.; Douai, D.; Ekedahl, A.; Escarguel, A.; Ghendrih, P.; Grisolia, C.; Grosman, A.; Gunn, J.; Hong, S. H.; Jacob, W.; Kazarian, F.; Kocan, M.; Khodja, H.; Loarer, T.; Marandet, Y.; Martinez, A.; Mayer, M.; Meyer, O.; Monier Garbet, P.; Moreau, P.; Pascal, J. Y.; Pasquet, B.; Rimini, F.; Roche, H.; Roure, I.; Rosanvallon, S.; Roubin, P.; Roth, J.; Saint-Laurent, F.; Samaille, F.; Vartanian, S.: Deuterium Inventory in Tore Supra: reconciling particle balance and post mortem analysis. In: Fusion Energy 2008, EX/9-1. 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, October 13, 2008 - October 18, 2008. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2009)
Conference Paper
Schmid, K.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.; Jacob, W.; Dux, R.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: The implications of high-Z first wall materials on noble gas wall recycling. In: Fusion Energy 2006, EX/3-3Rb. 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, October 16, 2006 - October 21, 2006. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2007)
Conference Paper
Counsell, G.; Coad, P.; Grisolia, C.; Hopf, C.; Jacob, W.; Kirschner, A.; Kreter, A.; Krieger, K.; Likonen, J.; Philipps, V. et al.; Roth, J.; Rubel, M.; Salancon, E.; Semerok, A.; Tabares, F. L.; Widdowson, A.: Tritium retention in next step devices and the requirements for mitigation and removal techniques. Invited paper. In: 11th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-11), I03. 11th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-11), Greifswald, October 10, 2006 - October 12, 2006. (2006)
Conference Paper
Schwarz-Selinger, T.; Jacob, W.; Preuss, R.; Dose, V.: Determination of the Electron Temperature in Hydrogen Discharges wirh Energy Dispersive Mass Spectrometry. In: Workshop Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics V, pp. 192 - 195 (Eds. DeBenedictis, S.; Dilecce, G.). Workshop Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics V, Specchia (IT), April 03, 2003 - April 07, 2003. Organizing Comittee Workshop FLTPDV-Bari-Italy, Specchia (2003)
Conference Paper
Fischer, R.; Jacob, W.; Linden, W. v. d.; Dose, V.: Bayesian Reconstruction of Electron Energy Distributions from Emission Line Intensities. In: 18th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods of Statistical Analysis, pp. 99 - 106 (Ed. von der Preuss, W. L. /. V. D. /. R. F. /. R.). 18th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods of Statistical Analysis, Garching (DE), July 27, 1998 - July 31, 1998. Kluwer, Dordrecht (1999)
Conference Paper
Fischer, R.; Jacob, W.; von der Linden, W.; Dose, V.: Bayesian reconstruction of electron energy distributions from emission line intensities. In: Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods. 18th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods of Statistical Analysis, pp. 99 - 106 (Eds. von der Linden, W.; Dose, V.; Fischer, R.; Preuss, R.). 18th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods of Statistical Analysis, Garching bei München, July 27, 1998 - July 31, 1998. Kluwer, Dordrecht (1999)
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