Publications of W. Jacob
All genres
Conference Paper (17)
Conference Paper
Plasma Technology. In: Summer University for Plasma Physics, pp. 209 - 222. Summer University for Plasma Physics, Garching (DE). (1998)
Conference Paper
Vol. 1, pp. 185 - 192 (1998)
Recent Results of EU R&D on Removal of Co-Deposited Layers and Tritium. 20. SOFT, Marseille (FR), November 07, 1998 - November 11, 1998. Fusion Technology 1998 203.
Conference Paper
Absolute CH Radical Density Measurements in an ECR Methane Plasma. In: 11th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Symposium Proceedings, pp. 1392 - 1397 (Ed. Harry, J. E.). 11th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 11), Loughborough, August 22, 1993 - August 27, 1993. (1993)
Conference Paper
Ion and Neutral Fluxes onto the Substrate from a DC Discharge in Methane. In: 11th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Symposium Proceedings, pp. 1266 - 1271 (Ed. Harry, J. E.). 11th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 11), Loughborough, August 22, 1993 - August 27, 1993. (1993)
Conference Paper
Investigation of the Growth Mechanism of C:H Films from ECR Plasma. In: 11th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Symposium Proceedings, pp. 823 - 828 (Ed. Harry, J. E.). 11th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 11), Loughborough, August 22, 1993 - August 27, 1993. (1993)
Conference Paper
Ion Energy Distribution at the Substrate in an ECR-Reactor. In: Diamond and Diamond-like Films and Coatings. Proceedings of a Nato Advanced Study Institute, pp. 661 - 667 (Eds. Clausing, R. E.; Angus, J. C.; Koidl, P.). Diamond and Diamond-like Films and Coatings, Castelvecchio Pascoli (IT), July 22, 1990 - August 03, 1990. Plenum Press, New York, NY (1991)
Conference Paper
Vol. 3, pp. 1826 - 1831 (1989)
Plasma Deposition of Thin Hydrogenated Carbon Films in an Experimental ECR Device. ISPC-9, Pugnochiuso (IT), September 04, 1989 - September 08, 1989. 9.International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry 208.
Conference Paper
Vol. 3, pp. 1820 - 1825 (1989)
Metallic Tube Coating by Means of Moving Coil ECR. ISPC-9, Pugnochiuso (IT), September 04, 1989 - September 08, 1989. 9.International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry Talk (128)
State-of-the-art femtosecond LIA-QMS for the detection of trapped deuterium and helium in plasma-facing materials. 13th International Meeting & 2nd Latin American Meeting on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS XIII & LAM LIBS II), Iguazu (submitted)
Femtosecond LIA-QMS analysis for the detection of trapped deuterium. 1st Nordic Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Symposium (Nordic LIBS 2024), Tampere (2024)
Helium retention and helium depth distribution in displacement-damaged tungsten. 21st International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-21), Granada (submitted)
Early stages of He cluster formation in pristine and displacement-damaged tungsten. 86. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Dresden (submitted)
The influence of displacement damage on helium interaction with and retention in tungsten. 26. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung – 26th German Conference of Women in Physics, Karlsruhe (submitted)
Hydrogen Supersaturated Surface Layer via Plasma Exposure with Sub-displacement Damage Ion Energy. IAEA Technical Meeting on the Effects of Hydrogen Supersaturation and Defect Stabilization in Nuclear Fusion Reactor, Aix-en-Provence (submitted)
A novel H-unique damaging mechanism experimentally verified for W exposed to hydrogen isotopes plasma at sub-threshold ion energy. 15th International Workshop on Hydrogen Isotopes in Fusion Reactor Materials (HWS-15), Virtual (submitted)
Correlating defect microstructures and hydrogen retention in supersaturated layer of tungsten surface. 20th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-20), Virtual (submitted)
Ion-driven Permeation Experiments and Modelling. IAEA Technical Meeting on Nuclear Fusion Fuel Permeation in Reactor First Wall Components, Vienna, Virtual (submitted)
Influence of Thin Surface Oxide Films on Deuterium Release from Tungsten. 15th International Workshop on Hydrogen Isotopes in Fusion Reactor Materials (HWS-15), Virtual (submitted)
Effects of thin surface oxide films on deuterium uptake and release from ion-damaged tungsten. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Fachverbände Physik der Hadronen und Kerne, Plasmaphysik und des Arbeitskreises Beschleunigerphysik
, Mainz, Virtual (submitted)
Deuterium retention and dislocation structure of tungsten irradiated by different ions. 5th International Workshop Models and Data for Plasma-Material Interaction in Fusion Devices (MoD-PMI 2021) (virtual), Jülich (submitted)