Publications of M. Beurskens

Conference Paper (21)

Conference Paper
Kim, H.-T.; Challis, C. D.; Sips, A. C. C.; Rimini, F.; Garzotti, L.; Lerche, E.; Frassinetti, L.; Beurskens, M.; Yuan, X.; Kaye, S. et al.; JET Contributors: High power baseline H-mode Deuterium plasmas with ion temperature exceeding the electron temperature in JET-ILW. In: 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P5.150. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast, June 26, 2017 - June 30, 2017. European Physical Society, Geneva (2017)
Conference Paper
Bozhenkov, S. A.; Fuchert, G.; Niemann, H.; Beurskens, M.; Feng, Y.; Ford, O.; Geiger, J.; Hirsch, M.; Höfel, U.; Jakubowski, M. W. et al.; Knauer, J.; Kornejew, P.; Langenberg, A.; Laqua, H. P.; Maaßberg, H.; Marushchenko, N. B.; Moseev, D.; Pablant, N.; Pasch, E.; Rahbarnia, K.; Stange, T.; Svensson, J.; Trimino Mora, H.; Valson, P.; Wurden, G.; Zhang, D.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Power Balance Analysis of Wendelstein 7-X Plasmas Using Profile Diagnostics. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, O2.106 (Ed. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, July 04, 2016 - July 08, 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Conference Paper
Dinklage, A.; Alonso, A.; Baldzuhn, J.; Beidler, C. D.; Biedermann, C.; Blackwell, B.; Bozhenkov, S.; Brakel, R.; Buttenschön, B.; Feng, Y. et al.; Fuchert, G.; Geiger, J.; Helander, P.; Hirsch, M.; Höfel, U.; Knauer, J.; Krämer-Flecken, A.; Landreman, M.; Langenberg, A.; Laqua, H. P.; Maaßberg, H.; Pablant, N. A.; Pasch, E.; Rahbarnia, K.; Rudischhauser, L.; Smith, H.; Stange, T.; Stephey, L.; Trimino Mora, H.; Turkin, Y.; Velasco, J. -. L.; Wurden, G.; Zhang, D.; Andreeva, T.; Beurskens, M.; Blanco, E.; Bosch, H.-S.; Burhenn, R.; Cappa, A.; Czarnecka, A.; Dostal, M.; Drews, P.; Endler, M.; Estrada, T.; Fornal, T.; Grulke, O.; Hartmann, D.; Harris, J. H.; Jakubowski, M.; Klinger, T.; Klose, S.; Kocsis, G.; König, R.; Kornejew, P.; Krawczyk, N.; Krychowiak, M.; Kubkowska, M.; Ksiazek, I.; Lazerson, S.; Liang, Y.; Liu, S.; Marchuk, O.; Marsen, S.; Marushchenko, N. B.; Moncada, V.; Moseev, D.; Naujoks, D.; Niemann, H.; Otte, M.; Pedersen, T. S.; Pisano, F.; Riße, K.; Rummel, T.; Schmitz, O.; Satake, S.; Schröder, T.; Szepesi, T.; Thomsen, H.; Traverso, P.; Tsuchiya, H.; Valson, P.; Wang, N.; Wauters, T.; Weir, G.; Wolf, R. C.; Yokoyama, M.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Core Confinement in Wendelstein 7-X Limiter Plasmas. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, O2.107 (Ed. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, July 04, 2016 - July 08, 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Conference Paper
Langenberg, A.; Pablant, N. A.; Marchuk, O.; Valson, P.; Traverso, P.; Burhenn, R.; Alonso, A.; Zhang, D.; Buttenschön, B.; Svensson, J. et al.; Gates, D.; Beurskens, M.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Temporal Evolution of Temperature and Argon Impurity Density Profiles Observed by X-ray Imaging Spectrometer Measurements at Wendelstein 7-X. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P4.014 (Ed. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, July 04, 2016 - July 08, 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Conference Paper
Pablant, N. A.; Dinklage, A.; Landreman, M.; Langenberg, A.; Alonso, A.; Beidler, C. D.; Beurskens, M.; Bitter, M.; Bozhenkov, S.; Burhenn, R. et al.; Delgado-Aparicio, L.F.; Fuchert, G.; Gates, D.A.; Geiger, J.; Hill, K. W.; Höfel, U.; Hirsch, M.; Knauer, J.; Krämer-Flecken, A.; Lazerson, S.; Maaßberg, H.; Marchuk, O.; Marushchenko, N. B.; Mikkelsen, D.R.; Pasch, E.; Satake, S.; Smith, H.; Svensson, J.; Traverso, P.; Turkin, Y.; Valson, P.; Velasco, J.L.; Weir, G.; Windisch, T.; Wolf, R. C.; Yokoyama, M.; Zhang, D.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Investigation of the Core Radial Electric Field in Wendelstein 7-X Plasmas. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P4.013 (Ed. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, July 04, 2016 - July 08, 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Conference Paper
Pasch, E.; Beurskens, M.; Bozhenkov, S.; Fuchert, G.; Hirsch, M.; Höfel, U.; Knauer, J.; Kornejew, P.; Langenberg, A.; Pablant, N. et al.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: First Results from the Thomson Scattering System at the Stellarator Wendelstein 7-X. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P4.016 (Ed. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, July 04, 2016 - July 08, 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Conference Paper
Turnyanskiy, M.; Beurskens, M.; Burckhart, A.; Coda, S.; Cecconello, M.; Crombe, K.; Komm, M.; Donne, T.; Eich, T.; Esposito, B. et al.; Felici, F.; Garsia-Munoz, M.; Hakola, A.; Litaudon, X.; Martin, P.; Mayoral, M.-L.; McDonald, D. C.; Mlynar, J.; Meyer, H.; Neu, R.; Piovisan, P.; Reimerdes, H.; Romanelli, F.; Scannell, R.; Tudisco, O.: Preparation of exploitation of medium-size tokamaks under European roadmap for the realization of fusion energy. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.049 (Ed. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, July 04, 2016 - July 08, 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Conference Paper
Beurskens, M. N. A.; Dunne, M. G.; Frassinetti, L.; Bernert, M.; Cavedon, M.; Fischer, R.; Järvinen, A.; Kallenbach, A.; Laggner, F. M.; McDermott, R. et al.; Tardini, G.; Viezzer, E.; Wolfrum, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: The role of carbon on the H mode confinement in ASDEX Upgrade with a metal wal. In: 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.102 (Eds. Bingham, R.; Suttrop, W.; Atzeni, S.; Foest, R.; McClements, K. et al.). 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Lisbon, June 22, 2015 - June 26, 2015. European Physical Society, Geneva (2015)

Talk (72)

Wagner, J.; Fuchert, G.; Pasch, E.; Knauer, J.; Brunner, K. J.; Beurskens, M.; Bozhenkov, S. A.; Hirsch, M.; Kornejew, P.; Krychowiak, M. et al.; Porkolab, M.; Stechow, A. v.; Wegner, T.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Laser-based diagnostics in nuclear fusion research at Wendelstein 7-X. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2024, Greifswald (submitted)
Wappl, M.; Beurskens, M.; Bozhenkov, S.; Andreeva, T.; Bannmann, S.; Smith, H.: Creating a power balance database study on turbulence at Wendelstein 7-X. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2024, Greifswald (submitted)
Brunner, K. J.; Bähner, J.-P.; Beurskens, M.; Edlund, E.; Fuchert, G.; Gradic, D.; Hansen, S. K.; Knauer, J.; Kornejew, P.; Kriete, D. M. et al.; Krychowiak, M.; Pasch, E.; Stechow, A. v.; Perseo, V.; Porkolab, M.; Wegner, T.; Wolf, R. C.: Overview of laser-aided plasma diagnostic developments at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. 20th International Symposium on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics 2023 (LAPD20), Kyoto (submitted)
Fuchert, G.; Beurskens, M. N. A.; Bozhenkov, S. A.; Brunner, K. J.; Chen, S.; D'Isa, F.; Frank, J. M.; Giudicotti, L.; Hirsch, M.; Hoefel, U. et al.; Jesche, T.; Knauer, J.; Pasch, E.; Pavone, A.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Calibration techniques for Thomson scattering diagnostics on large fusion experiments. 5th European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD 2023), Rethymno (submitted)
Langenberg, A.; Warmer, F.; Beurskens, M.; Bozhenkov, S.; Brandt, C.; Buttenschön, B.; Dinklage, A.; Ford, O.; Fuchert, G.; Hartmann, D. et al.; Lazerson, S.; Stange, T.; Wegner, T.; Wolf, R.; Grulke, O.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Achieving High Performance in Wendelstein 7-X Plasmas. International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas – PLASMA 2023, Warsaw (submitted)
Winters, V.; Reimold, F.; Feng, Y.; Perseo, V.; Nicolaas, M.; Beurskens, M.; Bozhenkov, S.; Fuchert, G.; König, R.; Krychowiak, M. et al.; Pasch, E.; Scott, E.; Zhang, D.: Impurity leakage mechanisms in the W7-X island divertor under experimentally relevant operational space. 4th IAEA Technical Meeting on Divertor Concepts, Vienna (submitted)
Zhang, D.; Beidler, C. D.; Feng, Y.; Alonso, A.; Brandt, C.; Windisch, T.; Reimold, F.; Thomsen, H.; Klinger, T.; Beurskens, M. N. A. et al.; Bozhenkov, S. A.; Buttenschön, B.; Dinklage, A.; Fuchert, G.; Gao, Y.; Geiger, J.; Hirsch, M.; Jakubowski, M.; Krychowiak, M.; König, R.; Pablant, N.; Pasch, E.; Pavone, A.; Pedersen, T. S.; Rahbarnia, K.; Garcia Regana, J. M.; Smith, H. M.; Wurden, G.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: 2D distribution and up-down asymmetry in low-Z impurity radiation in Wendelstein 7-X. 23rd International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop (ISHW 2022), Warsaw (submitted)
Beurskens, M. N. A.; Angioni, C.; Tanaka, K.; Bozhenkov, S.; Ford, O.; Kiefer, C. K.; Warmer, F.; Weir, G.; Xanthopoulos, P.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society et al.; EUROfusion MST1 Team; LHD Team; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Clamping of the ion temperature at 1.5 keV in electron heated plasmas with a ~ 0.5 m in ASDEX Upgrade, the Large Helical Device and Wendelstein 7-X. 25th Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Meeting, Virtual (submitted)
Bozhenkov, S. A.; Beurskens, M. N. A.; Ford, O. P.; Xanthopoulos, P.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Importance of turbulence and of its control for plasma performance in the optimized stellarator Wendelstein 7-X. 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP 2020) , Virtual (submitted)
Fuchert, G.; Nelde, P.; Pasch, E.; Beurskens, M. N. A.; Bozhenkov, S.; Meineke, J.; Scott, E. R.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: A novel technique for an alignment-insensitive density calibration of Thomson scattering diagnostics developed at Wendelstein 7-X. 4th European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD 2021), Virtual (submitted)
Hirsch, M.; Bannmann, S.; Beurskens, M.; Biedermann, C.; Bozhenkov, S.; Brunner, K.-J.; Chaudhary, N.; Ford, O.; Guerrero Arnaiz, J.; Fuchert, G. et al.; Höfel, U.; Koschinsky, J.-P.; Knauer, J.; Kursinski, B.; Langenberg, A.; Lazerson, S.; Meineke, J.; Moseev, D.; Oosterbeek, J.; Pasch, E.; Pavone, A.; Pölöskei, P.; Richert, T.; Steffen, M.; Stern, M.; Vano, L.; Wolf, R. C.; Zanini, M.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Core Diagnostics for W7-X steady-state operation until 18 GJ. 30th International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research (ITC 30), Virtual (submitted)
Knieps, A.; Beurskens, M.; Bozhenkov, S.; Dinklage, A.; Endler, M.; Gao, Y.; Geiger, J.; Jakubowski, M.; Liang, Y.; Koenig, R. et al.; Neuner, U.; Niemann, H.; Puig Sitjes, A.; Rahbarnia, K.; Schilling, J.; Suzuki, Y.; Thomsen, H.; Zhou, S.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Plasma beta effects on the island divertor of Wendelstein 7-X. 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP 2020) , Virtual (submitted)
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