Publications of R. C. Wolf
All genres
Journal Article (221)
Journal Article
66, 065001 (2024)
Bayesian inference of electron density and ion temperature profiles from neutral beam and halo Balmer-α emission at Wendelstein 7-X. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 2.
Journal Article
64, 0106015 (2024)
Particle transport in reduced turbulence neutral beam heated discharges at Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 3.
Journal Article
64, 106038 (2024)
Electron transport barrier and high confinement in configurations with internal islands close to the plasma edge of W7-X. Nuclear Fusion 4.
Journal Article
64, 086067 (2024)
Turbulence-reduced high-performance scenarios in Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 5.
Journal Article
95, 083533 (2024)
Calibration techniques for Thomson scattering diagnostics on large fusion experiments. Review of Scientific Instruments 6.
Journal Article
64, 112002 (2024)
Overview of the first Wendelstein 7-X long pulse campaign with fully water-cooled plasma facing components. Nuclear Fusion 7.
Journal Article
31, 052502 (2024)
Achieving stationary high performance plasmas at Wendelstein 7-X. Physics of Plasmas 8.
Journal Article
19, C03056 (2024)
Commissioning and first results of the 174 GHz CTS diagnostic at W7-X. Journal of Instrumentation 9.
Journal Article
313, 03004 (2024)
Towards absolutely calibrated ECE Michelson measurements in EC heated plasmas at W7-X. EPJ Web of Conferences 10.
Journal Article
45 (12), pp. 2550 - 2553 (2024)
Experimental Results of the Novel 1.5-MW-Class 140-GHz Continuous-Wave Gyrotron for the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator. IEEE Electron Device Letters 11.
Journal Article
95, 093529 (2024)
Web apps for profile fitting and power balance analysis at Wendelstein 7-X. Review of Scientific Instruments 12.
Journal Article
64, 076027 (2024)
Automated W7-X sawtooth crashes detection and characterization. Nuclear Fusion 13.
Journal Article
19, P12010 (2024)
First motional stark effect measurements at Wendelstein 7-X. Journal of Instrumentation 14.
Journal Article
64, 112001 (2024)
Overview of ASDEX upgrade results in view of ITER and DEMO. Nuclear Fusion 15.
Journal Article
18, P10029 (2023)
Fast forward modeling of neutral beam injection and halo formation including full Balmer-α emission prediction at W7-X. Journal of Instrumentation 16.
Journal Article
277, 03004 (2023)
Radial localization of electron temperature pedestal and ELM-like events using ECE measurements at Wendelstein 7-X. EPJ Web of Conferences 17.
Journal Article
192, 113828 (2023)
Short-pulse frequency stabilization of a MW-class ECRH gyrotron at W7-X for CTS diagnostic. Fusion Engineering and Design 18.
Journal Article
277, 04003 (2023)
The ECRH-Power Upgrade at the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator. EPJ Web of Conferences 19.
Journal Article
18, P09019 (2023)
Quantification of systematic errors in the electron density and temperature measured with Thomson scattering at W7-X. Journal of Instrumentation 20.
Journal Article
192, 113627 (2023)
Physics design, construction and commissioning of the ICRH system for the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X. Fusion Engineering and Design