Publications of L. Leppin
All genres
Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
64, 066020 (2024)
Impact of supra-thermal particles on plasma performance at ASDEX Upgrade with GENE-Tango simulations. Nuclear Fusion 2.
Journal Article
64, 112012 (2024)
Overview of T and D–T results in JET with ITER-like wall. Nuclear Fusion 3.
Journal Article
64, 112001 (2024)
Overview of ASDEX upgrade results in view of ITER and DEMO. Nuclear Fusion 4.
Journal Article
89 (6), 905890605 (2023)
Complex structure of turbulence across the ASDEX Upgrade pedestal. Journal of Plasma Physics 5.
Journal Article
62, 106025 (2022)
Global gyrokinetic simulations of ASDEX Upgrade up to the transport timescale with GENE–Tango. Nuclear Fusion 6.
Journal Article
87 (6), 905870604 (2021)
Global electromagnetic turbulence simulations of W7-X-like plasmas with GENE-3D. Journal of Plasma Physics 7.
Journal Article
125, 224501 (2020)
Capturing Velocity Gradients and Particle Rotation Rates in Turbulence. Physical Review Letters Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
Nonlinear global gyrokinetic stellarator simulations of GENE-3D with kinetic electrons. In: 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.1079 (Eds. Giruzzi, G.; Arnas, C.; Borba, D.; Gopla, A.; Lebedev, S. et al.). 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Virtual, June 21, 2021 - June 25, 2021. European Physical Society, Geneva (2021)
Talk (3)
ITPA Meeting on Transport and Confinement. ITPA Meeting on Transport and Confinement, Naka (submitted)
Pedestal turbulence in AUG and JET from a global gyrokinetic perspective. 27th Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Meeting (TTF 2023), Nancy (submitted)
Gyrokinetic turbulence simulations in the pedestal. 86. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Dresden (submitted)
Poster (6)
High-fidelity Performance Predictions for Tokamaks and Stellarators: from Existing Devices to Burning Plasma Experiments. 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2023), London (submitted)
Tackling turbulence from pedestal top to foot with global and local GENE simulations. 18th International Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers (HMWS 2022), Princeton, NJ, Virtual (submitted)
Tackling turbulence in the plasma edge pedestal with a revised version of the GENE code. DPG-Tagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Virtual (submitted)
Tackling turbulence in the plasma edge pedestal with a revised version of the GENE code. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Fachverbände Physik der Hadronen und Kerne, Plasmaphysik und des Arbeitskreises Beschleunigerphysik
, Mainz, Virtual (submitted)
Nonlinear global gyrokinetic stellarator simulations of GENE-3D with kinetic electrons. 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Virtual (submitted)
Extension of GENE-3D to a global electromagnetic turbulence code for stellarators. DPG-Tagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Virtual (submitted)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Turbulence simulations of the high confinement mode pedestal in tokamak fusion experiments. Dissertation, 210 pp., TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology, Technische Universität München, München (2024)