Publications of H. Bruhns
All genres
Journal Article (10)
Journal Article
39 (2), pp. 198 - 204 (1992)
The timing system for the ASDEX Upgrade experiment control. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 2.
Journal Article
31 (5), pp. 907 - 926 (1991)
MHD Mode Structure and Propagation in the ASDEX Tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 3.
Journal Article
33, 12, pp. 1423 - 1434 (1991)
M=2 Mode Activity during Lower Hybrid Current Drive in ASDEX. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 4.
Journal Article
11, 8, pp. 745 - 750 (1990)
Plasma Angular-Momentum Loss by MHD Mode Locking. Europhysics Letters 5.
Journal Article
162-164, pp. 14 - 23 (1989)
Impurity Accumulation in Plasma Regimes with High Energy Confinement. Journal of Nuclear Materials 6.
Journal Article
31 (10), pp. 1629 - 1648 (1989)
Confinement regime transitions in ASDEX. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 7.
Journal Article
30 (11), pp. 1611 - 1623 (1988)
Auxiliary Heated Multipellet-Fuelled Discharges in ASDEX and Influence of Density Profile Shape on Confinement. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 8.
Journal Article
30 (11), pp. 1443 - 1453 (1988)
Long-Pulse Heating of ASDEX Plasmas. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 9.
Journal Article
30, 12, pp. 3767 - 3776 (1987)
Three-Fluid Magnetohydrodynamical Simulation of Plasma Focus Discharges. The Physics of Fluids 10.
Journal Article
27, pp. 2178 - 2182 (1987)
Study of the Low Aspect Ratio Limit Tokamak in the Heidelberg Spheromak Experiment. Nuclear Fusion Book Chapter (2)
Book Chapter
Vol. 1, pp. 145 - 157 (1989)
Improved Confinement Regimes with Ohmic and with Counter-Injection Heating in ASDEX: 12. Conference Proceedings. In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1988, Vol. 12.
Book Chapter
Vol. 1, pp. 229 - 237 (1989)
Pellet Injection and Improved Plasma Performance in ASDEX: 12. Conference Proceedings. In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1988, Vol. Conference Paper (19)
Conference Paper
Gasparotto, M.; Knoepfl, H.). 17th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1992), Rome (IT), September 14, 1992 - September 18, 1992. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1993)
ASDEX-Upgrade Discharge Control and Shot Management. In: Fusion Technology 1992: Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Fusion Technology, pp. 1072 - 1076 (Eds. Ferro, C.; 14.
Conference Paper
Tokamak Discharges Description at ASDEX-Upgrade. In: Conference Record of the 8th Conference on Real-Time Computer Applications in Nuclear. Particle and Plasma Physics, pp. 264 - 266 (Eds. Axen, D.; Poutissoe, R.). 8th Conference on Real-Time Computer Applications in Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, Vancouver (CA), June 08, 1993 - June 11, 1993. Tri-University Meson Facility, Vancouver, British Columbia (1993)
Conference Paper
Huguet, M.; Hemsworth, R.). 16th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1990), London (GB), September 03, 1990 - September 07, 1990. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1991)
Completion of Assembly and Start of Technical Operation of ASDEX Upgrade. In: Fusion Technology 1990: Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Fusion Technology, pp. 208 - 212 (Eds. Keen, B. E.; 16.
Conference Paper
M=2 Mode Limit on Lower Hybrid Current Drive in ASDEX. In: 17th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, pp. 1223 - 1226 (Eds. Briffod, G.; Nijsen-Vis, A.; Schüller, F. C.). 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Amsterdam (NL), June 25, 1990 - June 29, 1990. European Physical Society, Geneva (1990)
Conference Paper
2, pp. 1653 - 1657 (Eds. Van Ingen, A. M.; Nijsen-Vis, A.). 15th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1988), Utrecht, September 19, 1988 - September 23, 1988. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1989)
The control system for ASDEX Upgrade. In: Fusion Technology 1988, Vol. 18.
Conference Paper
Vol. 2, pp. 1653 - 1657 (1989)
The Control System for ASDEX Upgrade. 15.Symposium on Fusion Technology, Amsterdam Utrecht (NL). Fusion Technology 1988 19.
Conference Paper
31, 10, pp. 1629 - 1648 (1989)
Confinement Regime Transitons in ASDEX. 16. European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Venice (IT). 16. European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics 20.
Conference Paper
1, pp. 687 - 693 (Eds. Van Ingen, A. M.; Nijsen-Vis, A.). 15th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1988), Utrecht, September 19, 1988 - September 23, 1988. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1989)
Optimal selection of plasma parameters and magnetic measurement locations for tokamak feedback control. In: Fusion Technology 1988, Vol.