Publications of E. Müller
All genres
Journal Article (12)
Journal Article
50 (8), pp. 780 - 784 (2010)
Overview of Experimental Results from the WEGA Stellarator. Contributions to Plasma Physics 2.
Journal Article
33 (2), pp. 333 - 347 (1993)
Combined operation of lower hybrid current drive and heating and neutral beam injection on ASDEX. Nuclear Fusion 3.
Journal Article
34 (4), pp. 443 - 451 (1992)
Improved confinement in high-density Ohmic discharges due to impurity puffing. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 4.
Journal Article
32 (9), pp. 1557 - 1583 (1992)
Density Limit Investigations on ASDEX. Nuclear Fusion 5.
Journal Article
1, pp. 277 - 290 (1991)
Recent Results of H-Mode Studies on ASDEX. Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1990 6.
Journal Article
176-177, pp. 512 - 517 (1990)
Comparison of open-closed divertor geometries in ASDEX. Journal of Nuclear Materials 7.
Journal Article
176 + 177, pp. 202 - 207 (1990)
Characteristics of Toroidal Energy Deposition Asymmetries in ASDEX. Journal of Nuclear Materials 8.
Journal Article
176-177, pp. 89 - 101 (1990)
Effects of edge conditions on plasma confinement in ASDEX. Journal of Nuclear Materials 9.
Journal Article
176-177, pp. 350 - 356 (1990)
Boronization of ASDEX. Journal of Nuclear Materials 10.
Journal Article
31 (10), pp. 1629 - 1648 (1989)
Confinement regime transitions in ASDEX. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 11.
Journal Article
31 (10), pp. 1551 - 1568 (1989)
Tokamak edge modeling and comparison with experiment in ASDEX. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 12.
Journal Article
30 (11), pp. 1611 - 1623 (1988)
Auxiliary Heated Multipellet-Fuelled Discharges in ASDEX and Influence of Density Profile Shape on Confinement. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Conference Paper (52)
Conference Paper
Diagnostic Development for Wendelstein 7-X at the WEGA Stellarator. In: 37th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Contributed Papers, P5.125 (Ed. McKenna, C.). 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, June 21, 2010 - June 25, 2010. European Physical Society, Geneva (2010)
Conference Paper
2, pp. 523 - 529. 14th Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Würzburg, September 30, 1992 - October 07, 1992. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna (1993)
Comparison of Density Limit Physics on the ASDEX Tokamak and the Wendelstein 7-AS Stellarator. In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1992, Vol. 15.
Conference Paper
Bachmann, P.; Robinson, D. C.). 18th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berlin (DE), June 03, 1991 - June 07, 1991. European Physical Society, Geneva (1991)
Radiation Asymmetries of ASDEX Divertor Discharges Close to the Density Limit. In: 18th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, pp. 117 - 120 (Eds. 16.
Conference Paper
Bachmann, P.; Robinson, D. C.). 18th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Berlin (DE), June 03, 1991 - June 07, 1991. European Physical Society, Geneva (1991)
Density Limit Studies on ASDEX. In: 18th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, pp. 33 - 36 (Eds. 17.
Conference Paper
Plasma Edge Behavior on the Way to and at the Density Limit. In: 17th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, pp. 1439 - 1442 (Eds. Briffod, G.; Nijsen-Vis, A.; Schüller, F. C.). 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Amsterdam (NL), June 25, 1990 - June 29, 1990. European Physical Society, Geneva (1990)
Conference Paper
Density Limit in ASDEX Under Clean Plasma Conditions. In: 17th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, pp. 395 - 398 (Eds. Briffod, G.; Nijsen-Vis, A.; Schüller, F. C.). 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Amsterdam (NL), June 25, 1990 - June 29, 1990. European Physical Society, Geneva (1990)
Conference Paper
Density Limit in ASDEX Under Clean Plasma Conditions. In: 17th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, pp. 395 - 398 (Eds. Briffod, G.; Nijsen-Vis, A.; Schüller, F. C.). 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Amsterdam (NL), June 25, 1990 - June 29, 1990. European Physical Society, Geneva (1990)
Conference Paper
Quenching of the quiescent h-phase in ASDEX. In: 16th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Contributed Papers, pp. 257 - 260 (Eds. Segre, S.; Knoepfel, H.; Sindoni, E.). 16th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Venice, March 13, 1989 - March 17, 1989. European Physical Society, Geneva (1989)