Publications of A. Marek
All genres
Journal Article (2)
Journal Article
26, 213201 (2014)
The ELPA library: scalable parallel eigenvalue solutions for electronic structure theory and computational science. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2.
Journal Article
The ELPA Library - Scalable Parallel Eigenvalue Solutions for Electronic Structure Theory and Computational Science. ΨK Newsletters & Highlights (120), 28 pp. (2013)
Book Chapter (2)
Book Chapter
Bader, G.; Bode, A.; Bungartz, H.-J.; Gerndt, M.; Joubert, G. R. et al.). IOS Press, Amsterdam (2014)
Porting Large HPC Applications to GPU Clusters: The Codes GENE and VERTEX. In: Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), pp. 305 - 314 (Eds. 4.
Book Chapter
Bader, G.; Bode, A.; Bungartz, H.-J.; Gerndt, M.; Joubert, G. R. et al.). IOS Press, Amsterdam (2014)
Towards Petaflops Capability of the VERTEX Supernova Code. In: Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), pp. 712 - 721 (Eds. Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
Scaling of Eigenvalue Solver Dominated Simulations. In: Technical Report: Jülich Blue Gene/P Extreme Scaling Workshop 2011, pp. 27 - 30 (Eds. Mohr, B.; Frings, W.). Jülich BlueGene/P Extreme Scaling Workshop, Jülich, February 14, 2011 - February 16, 2011. Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich (2011)
Talk (3)
Porting Large HPC Applications to GPU Clusters: The Codes GENE and VERTEX. International Conference on Parallel Computing (ParCo2013), München (2013)
Towards Petaflops Capability of the VERTEX Supernova Code. International Conference on Parallel Computing (ParCo2013), München (2013)
Experiences with porting large HPC applications to GPUs. 6th CCoE Seminar, Technische Universität Dresden (2013)