Publications of P. Schneider
All genres
Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
31, 052509 (2024)
Investigation of triangularity impact on impurity content in JET-ILW H, D, T, and DT plasmas. Physics of Plasmas 2.
Journal Article
64, 112019 (2024)
Overview of the EUROfusion Tokamak Exploitation programme in support of ITER and DEMO. Nuclear Fusion 3.
Journal Article
64, 126060 (2024)
Experimental and numerical investigation of the Doppler-shifted resonance condition for high frequency Alfvén eigenmodes on ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 4.
Journal Article
2984 (1), 040002 (2023)
Overview of Plasma Emissions Observed in the Ion Cyclotron Frequency Range on ASDEX Upgrade. AIP Conference Proceedings 5.
Journal Article
63, 066018 (2023)
Characterisation of electron cyclotron wall conditioning plasma in ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 6.
Journal Article
62, 016015 (2022)
Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport. Nuclear Fusion 7.
Journal Article
62, 042022 (2022)
Experimental confirmation of efficient island divertor operation and successful neoclassical transport optimization in Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 8.
Journal Article
127, 025002 (2021)
New High-Confinement Regime with Fast Ions in the Core of Fusion Plasmas. Physical Review Letters Talk (6)
Magnetic Flux Pumping at JET. 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Salamanca (submitted)
Investigation of triangularity impact on impurity content in JET-ILW H, D, T, and DT plasmas. International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas – PLASMA 2023, Warsaw (2023)
Experimental assessment of the role of the main ion species composition on the access into H-mode. 27th Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Meeting (TTF 2023), Nancy (submitted)
Model based formation of Advanced Tokamak discharges. 49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Bordeaux (submitted)
Fast ion-induced anomalous transport barriers in global gyrokinetic simulations. 19th European Fusion Theory Conference (EFTC 2021), Virtual (submitted)
Progress with 3-ion ICRF schemes on ASDEX Upgrade and JET in support of ITER operations. 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Virtual (submitted)
Poster (2)
Correlations between Edge Turbulence in EDA and QCE Plasmas Using the CECE Diagnostic at ASDEX Upgrade. 2024 US-EU Joint Transport Taskforce Workshop (TTF 2024), Asheville, NC (submitted)
Experimental and numerical investigation of the Doppler-shifted resonance condition for high frequency Alfvén eigenmodes on ASDEX Upgrade. 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2023), London (submitted)