The scientific preparations for the Wendelstein 7-X fusion device began at Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik in Garching in 1980. The main assembly at the Greifswald site was concluded in 2014. The first plasma was produced in December 2015. This was followed by upgrading and further experimentation phases.

10 September 2024 After a one-year maintenance phase, Wendelstein 7-X resumes experimental operation with significant improvements. In the new campaign the plasma temperature is to be increased. [more]
15 February 2023 For the first time, a plasma can be maintained for eight minutes - with an energy turnover of 1.3 gigajoules [more]
27 September 2022 Start of the third major operation phase with water-cooled divertor in the plasma vessel, modified and upgraded heating systems as well as new and improved measuring instruments [more]
18 June 2021 The very last of the 120 water-cooled divertor plates has been installed in the plasma vessel. Assembly of the remaining vessel installations is expected to be completed in December.
March 2020 Installation preparations for water-cooled vessel cladding completed, [more]
19 July 2019 25th anniversary of IPP Greifswald, [more]
November 2018 Next round of upgrades on Wendelstein 7-X has started (end planned for 2021)
19 October 2018 Second experimental campaign concluded, [more]
December 2017 Wendelstein 7-X achieves stellarator world record for the fusion product, [more]
7 September 2017 Start of the second experimental campaign, [more]
July 2017 Magnet coils have been cooled to superconducting temperature, next operation phase scheduled for autumn 2017
May 2017 Installation work in the plasma vessel completed, vessel closed
April 2016 Assembly work: plasma vessel, heating devices and diagnostics
10 March 2016 The first experimental campaign of Wendelstein 7-X was successfully concluded, [more]
3 February 2016 The first hydrogen plasma – start of scientific experimentation, [more]
10 December 2015 Start of operation: the first helium plasma is produced, [more]
July 2015 Magnet tests completed [more], testing of the magnetic field begins, [more]
February 2015 Cooling tests of the superconducting coils and the cryostat, a process lasting several weeks, has startet. [more]
May 2014 The cryostat is closed, commissioning has started, [more]
January 2014 All five auxiliary coils delivered from USA are mounted on the outer shell
May 2013 The last open seam on the steel outer cover of the Wendelstein 7-X fusion device is closed. The core of the research device is ready. [more]
November 2012 All connections of the superconducting coils are fixed. Construction of the periphery and work inside the plasma vessel has started.
April 2012 First auxiliary coil delivered from USA [more]
December 2011 All five modules are placed in their final position on the machine foundation. This completes the base machine. [more]
March 2011 Four out of five modules are placed in their final position on the machine foundation
February 2010 First section of the water cooling system for the Wendelstein 7-X completed – more than one kilometre of piping installed [more]
December 2009 As the last of the main device components a module of the outer vacuum vessel arrived on site [more]
July 2009 Cryogenic tests of the 20 planar and 50 non-planar superconducting coils accomplished successfully
February 2009 Setup of the port assembly bridge
February 2009 Assembly of the superconducting bus bars of the first magnet module
September 2008 Transport of the first magnet module for final assembly
March 2008 The first two half modules of Wendelstein 7-X are completed [more]
March 2008 Fabrication of the 50 non-planar superconducting stellarator coils completed
November 2007 Fabrication of the 20 planar superconducting coils completed
May 2007 Fabrication of the 299 vessel ports completed
January 2007 First sector of the support and vault structure delivered
November 2006 Superconductor fabrication completed
December 2005 Plasma vessel ready [more]
April 6, 2005 Assembly start: First coil threaded onto the plasma vessel.
August 2004 First planar coil delivered [more]
December 2003 First stellarator coil delivered
November 2003 First sectors of the plasma vessel delivered
1998 till 2001 Preparations for production of superconducting coils
June 2000 Demo cryostat – tests successfully completed
April 2000 New institute building opened
June 1999 Wendelstein test coil attains superconducting state in the TOSKA test rig at Karlsruhe; tests concluded
December 1998 Major contract for manufacture of the 50 superconducting magnet coils awarded
19 June 1997 Topping-out ceremony
24 May 1996 Agreement on administration between Federal Ministry of Research and the Ministries of Culture of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Bavaria
11 March 1996 European assessment concluded, Phase 2 – technology, cost and personnel estimates: funding approved by EU Commission
19 July 1994 Founding of the Greifswald Branch Institute of IPP
July 1994 Industrial contracts for prototypes: superconducting magnet coils, thermally insulating cryostat
24 May 1994 European assessment concluded, Phase 1 – scientific value: Wendelstein 7-X recommended to EU Commission for approval
August 1990 Project application submitted to the EU
1980 Planning of Wendelstein 7-X initiated