Scientific Publications

Scientific Publications

An overview of all scientific publications of the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics.

Journal Article (294)

Journal Article
Alberti, S.; Arnold, A.; Borie, E.; Dammertz, G.; Erckmann, V.; Garin, P.; Giguet, E.; Illy, S.; Le Cloarec, G.; Le Goff, Y. et al.; Magne, R.; Michel, G.; Piosczyk, B.; Tran, C.; Tran, M. Q.; Thumm, M.; Wagner, D.: European high-power CW gyrotron development for ECRH systems. Fusion Engineering and Design 53, pp. 387 - 397 (2001)
Journal Article
Alimov, V. K.; Ertl, K.; Roth, J.: Deuterium retention and lattice damage in tungsten irradiated with D ions. Journal of Nuclear Materials 290-293, pp. 389 - 393 (2001)
Journal Article
Alimov, V. K.; Ertl, K.; Roth, J.; Schmid, K.: Deuterium Retention and Lattice Damage in Tungsten Irradiated with D Ions. Physica Scripta T94, pp. 34 - 42 (2001)
Journal Article
Antonov, A. N.; Bliokh, Y. P.; Kovpik, O. F.; Kornilov, E. A.; Lyubarskii, M. G.; Matyash, K. V.; Podobinskii, V. O.; Svichenskii, V. G.; Fainberg, Y. B.: Effect of Plasma Nonlinearity on the Beam-Plasma Interaction in a Hybrid Plasma Waveguide. Plasma Physics Reports 27, pp. 251 - 258 (2001)
Journal Article
Antonov, A. N.; Kornilov, E. A.; Kovpik, O. F.; Matyash, K. V.; Svichenskii, V. G.: Beam-Plasma Interaction in a Hybrid Plasma Waveguide in the Pulsed Mode of Microwave Generation. Plasma Physics Reports 27, pp. 614 - 618 (2001)
Journal Article
Aquilonius, K.; Hallberg, B.; Hofman, D.; Bergström, U.; Lechon, Y.; Cabal, H.; Saez, R. M.; Schneider, T.; Lepicard, S.; Ward, D. et al.; Hamacher, T.; Korhonen, R.: Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses in external cost assessments of fusion power. Fusion Engineering and Design 58-59, pp. 1021 - 1026 (2001)
Journal Article
Aymar, R.: Progress Towards ITER Construction. atw - Internationale Zeitschrift für Kernenergie Bd. 46, pp. 692 - 698 (2001)
Journal Article
Balden, M.; García-Rosales, C.; Behrisch, R.; Roth, J.; Paz, P.; Etxeberria, J.: Chemical erosion of carbon doped with different fine-grain carbides. Journal of Nuclear Materials 290-293, pp. 52 - 56 (2001)
Journal Article
Balden, M.; Mayer, M.: Deuterium in Re-Deposited Silicon-Doped Carbon Layers and its Removal by Heating in Air. Journal of Nuclear Materials 298, pp. 225 - 230 (2001)
Journal Article
Balden, M.; Picarle, S.; Roth, J.: Mechanism of the chemical erosion of SiC under hydrogen irradiation. Journal of Nuclear Materials 290-293, pp. 47 - 51 (2001)
Journal Article
Bao, S.; Lindsay, R.; Polcik, M.; Theobald, A.; Gießel, T.; Schaff, O.; Baumgärtel, P.; Terborg, R.; Bradshaw, A. M.; Booth, N. A. et al.; Woodruff, D. P.: Local Structure Determination for Benzene/NO Coadsorption on Ni(1 1 1) Using Scanned-Energy Mode Photoelectron Diffraction. Surface Science 478, pp. 35 - 48 (2001)
Journal Article
Barabaschi, P.: A Dimensional Extrapolation Technique for ITER. Nuclear Fusion 41, pp. 155 - 167 (2001)
Journal Article
Bastasz, R.; Eckstein, W.: Plasma–surface interactions on liquids. Journal of Nuclear Materials 290-293, pp. 19 - 24 (2001)
Journal Article
Beckmann, M.; Leuterer, F.: Electron cyclotron current drive at w≈wc with X-mode launched from the low field side. Fusion Engineering and Design 53, pp. 59 - 63 (2001)
Journal Article
Behrisch, R.: Measurements of Hydrogen Isotopes in Plasma-Facing Materials of Fusion Devices. Physica Scripta T94, pp. 52 - 57 (2001)
Journal Article
Behrisch, R.: Measurement of Hydrogen Isotopes in Plasma Facing Materials of Fusion Devices. Physica Scripta T94, pp. 52 - 57 (2001)
Journal Article
Beidler, C. D.; Harmeyer, E.; Herrnegger, F.; Igitkhanov, Y.; Kendl, A.; Kisslinger, J.; Kolesnichenko, Y. I.; Lutsenko, V. V.; Nührenberg, C.; Sidorenko, I. et al.; Strumberger, E.; Wobig, H.; Yakovenko, Y. V.: The Helias reactor HSR4/18. Nuclear Fusion 41, pp. 1759 - 1766 (2001)
Journal Article
Beidler, C. D.; Kolesnichenko, Y. I.; Marchenko, V. S.; Sidorenko, I. N.; Wobig, H.: Stochastic Diffusion of Energetic Ions in Optimized Stellarators. Physics of Plasmas 8, pp. 2731 - 2738 (2001)
Journal Article
Beidler, C. D.; Maaßberg, H.: An Improved Formulation of the Ripple-Averaged Kinetic Theory of Neoclassical Transport in Stellarators. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 43, pp. 1131 - 1148 (2001)
Journal Article
Beikler, R.; Taglauer, E.: Trajectory Resolved Analysis of LEIS Energy Spectra: Neutralization and Surface Structure. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 182, pp. 180 - 186 (2001)
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