Scientific Publications
An overview of all scientific publications of the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics.
Journal Article (397)
Journal Article
53, 043003 (9pp) (2013)
Reduced deuterium retention in self-damaged tungsten exposed to high-flux plasmas at high surface temperatures. Nuclear Fusion 2.
Journal Article
111, 225001 (5pp) (2013)
Strongly Reduced Penetration of Atomic Deuterium in Radiation-Damaged Tungsten. Physical Review Letters 3.
Journal Article
76, 116201 (69pp) (2013)
Multiscale gyrokinetics for rotating tokamak plasmas: fluctuations, transport and energy flows. Reviews on Progress in Physics 4.
Journal Article
55, 074001 (11pp) (2013)
Turbulent momentum transport in core tokamak plasmas and penetration of scrape-off layer flows. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 5.
Journal Article
438, pp. S321 - S325 (2013)
L-mode radiative plasma edge studies for model validation in ASDEX Upgrade and JET. Journal of Nuclear Materials 6.
Journal Article
88 (6-8), pp. 1297 - 1301 (2013)
Multivariate statistical models for disruption prediction at ASDEX Upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 7.
Journal Article
438, pp. S959 - S962 (2013)
The effect of displacement damage on deuterium retention in tungsten exposed to D neutrals and D2 gas. Journal of Nuclear Materials 8.
Journal Article
441 (1-3), pp. 280 - 285 (2013)
Deuterium retention in tungsten damaged with W ions to various damage levels. Journal of Nuclear Materials 9.
Journal Article
438, pp. S1192 - S1195 (2013)
Ion energy measurements on MAST using a midplane RFEA. Journal of Nuclear Materials 10.
Journal Article
8, 2102032 (12pp) (2013)
Particle and Momentum Transport in Tokamak Plasmas, the Complicated Path towards the Experimental Validation of the Theoretical Predictions of Transport in Fusion Plasmas. Plasma and Fusion Research 11.
Journal Article
377 (3-4), pp. 310 - 314 (2013)
Paramagnetic Solovév equilibrium with flow. Physics Letters A 12.
Journal Article
53, 073016 (12pp) (2013)
Scrape-off layer properties of ITER-like limiter start-up plasmas in JET. Nuclear Fusion 13.
Journal Article
53, 113036 (11pp) (2013)
Simulations of edge configurations in quasi-helically symmetric geometry using EMC3–EIRENE. Nuclear Fusion 14.
Journal Article
39 (12), pp. 1085 - 1088 (2013)
Studying the interaction of high-energy deuterons with plasma in the Globus-M spherical tokamak. Technical Physics Letters 15.
Journal Article
438, pp. S220 - S223 (2013)
Blistering and re-deposition on tungsten exposed to ASDEX Upgrade divertor plasma. Journal of Nuclear Materials 16.
Journal Article
438, pp. S967 - S970 (2013)
TMAP-7 simulation of D2 thermal release data from Be co-deposited layers. Journal of Nuclear Materials 17.
Journal Article
438, pp. S1183 - 1186 (2013)
Isotope exchange experiments in tungsten with sequential deuterium and protium plasmas in PISCES. Journal of Nuclear Materials 18.
Journal Article
53, 104023 (17pp) (2013)
Science and technology research and development in support to ITER and the Broader Approach at CEA. Nuclear Fusion 19.
Journal Article
53, 013001 (17pp) (2013)
Comparison of hybrid and baseline ELMy H-mode confinement in JET with the carbon wall. Nuclear Fusion 20.
Journal Article
55, 124043 (13pp) (2013)
The effect of a metal wall on confinement in JET and ASDEX Upgrade (invited paper). Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion