Scientific Publications
An overview of all scientific publications of the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics.
Journal Article (256)
Journal Article
100 (6), 062033 (4pp) (2008)
Thermal induced structural changes of a-C and a-C:Ti films analyzed by NEXAFS and XPS. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2.
Journal Article
391 (7), pp. 2599 - 2608 (2008)
Analysis of large oxygenated and nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formed under simulated diesel engine exhaust conditions (by compound fingerprints with SPE/LC-API-MS). Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 3.
Journal Article
50 (6), 065021 (13pp) (2008)
ASCOT simulations of electron energy distribution at the divertor targets in an ASDEX Upgrade H-mode discharge. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 4.
Journal Article
689 (2), pp. 666 - 677 (2008)
Cosmic X-ray background and earth Albedo spectra with Swift BAT. The Astrophysical Journal 5.
Journal Article
375 (2), pp. 192 - 201 (2008)
Deuterium retention in tungsten exposed to low-energy, high-flux clean and carbon-seeded deuterium plasmas. Journal of Nuclear Materials 6.
Journal Article
381 (3), pp. 267 - 270 (2008)
Surface modifications and deuterium depth profiles in molybdenum irradiated with low-energy D ions. Journal of Nuclear Materials 7.
Journal Article
78 (3), 032705 (7pp) (2008)
Energy dependence of angular momentum capture states in charge exchange collisions between slow highly charged argon ions and argon neutrals. Physical Review A 8.
Journal Article
117, 012002 (8pp) (2008)
Quantum study of tungsten interaction with beryllium (0001). Journal of Physics: Conference Series 9.
Journal Article
15 (6), 062306 (11pp) (2008)
The role of plasma elongation on the linear damping of zonal flows. Physics of Plasmas 10.
Journal Article
15 (5), 052307 (15pp) (2008)
Gyrokinetic calculations of diffusive and convective transport of α particles with a slowing down distribution function. Physics of Plasmas 11.
Journal Article
50 (9), 095012 (7pp) (2008)
Turbulence during H- and L-mode plasmas in the scrape-off layer of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 12.
Journal Article
100 (25), 254504 (5pp) (2008)
Universal Intermittent Properties of Particle Trajectories in Highly Turbulent Flows. Physical Review Letters 13.
Journal Article
53 (2), pp. 667 - 698 (2008)
Data Validation, Analysis, and Applications for Fusion Plasmas. Fusion Science and Technology 14.
Journal Article
16 (1), pp. 11 - 24 (2008)
Particle generation in pulsed plasmas. Plasma Devices and Operations 15.
Journal Article
60 (3), pp. 635 - 646 (2008)
The energy principle applied to diverted Tokamak configurations. Romanian Reports in Physics 16.
Journal Article
18 (2), pp. 509 - 512 (2008)
Cold Tests of the Superconducting Coils for the Stellarator W7-X. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 17.
Journal Article
266 (8), pp. 1338 - 1342 (2008)
Summary of "IAEA intercomparison of IBA software". Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 18.
Journal Article
83 (2-3), pp. 304 - 311 (2008)
Real-time diagnostics at ASDEX Upgrade - Architecture and operation. Fusion Engineering and Design 19.
Journal Article
48 (8), pp. 561 - 568 (2008)
Spectroscopic diagnostics of pulsed arc plasmas for particle generation. Contributions to Plasma Physics 20.
Journal Article
48 (6), 065009 (9pp) (2008)
A high field side pellet penetration depth scaling derived for ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion